In this Article we will cover:
- Who are the best people within your organization to Evaluate your Data?
- Where to look within improveit 360 in order to thoroughly Evaluate all the Data?
- What’s the Data Eval Spreadsheet and how should it be completed?
- When we find data requiring “clean-up” which system should we make changes in?
- What does it mean when we “sign off” on the Data Approval Form?
- IMPORTANT DATE: The Date your Data was pulled from your previous CRM provider is critical when evaluating data. This Date is something every person in your company who is evaluating data needs to know.
Who are the best people within your organization to Evaluate your Data?
You may have several members of your staff involved with Data Evaluation – the more eyes, the better! Most likely, there isn’t one single person within your organization that knows everything!
Here are a few suggestions from our experience:
Verify Marketing Sources – Marketing Manager
Verify Prospects & Lead Sources – Office Manager and/or key Lead Entry personnel
Verify Appointments – Appointment Scheduling Manager
Verify Sales – Sales Manager
Verify Receipts & Adjustments (Payments) – Accounting
Verify Projects and Project Activities – Production Manager
How do we Evaluate the Data?
First, let’s open the system and review where these record types are located and what exactly to look out for! Most Data can be found be opening a Prospect (past Customer) and following their historical data.
If the sidebar menu in minimized, click the Arrow or hold down Alt+S to expand the sidebar and the display Search and Create tool
You will use Search and Create to search past customers and locate historical data for evaluation.
Data Eval Best Practice: Choose 10 past Customers to use as Data Evaluation examples. Pick your best customer, someone you have done a great deal of business with in the past. Then pick your worst customer, someone you have done work for but the job didn't go so smoothly and there were change orders or service calls. Checking 10 different customers and looking for their unique records and data points will ensure you're thoroughly evaluating the data being loaded from your past CRM. You should be able to see each customers' journey in their historical data.
Here are some critical data points to look for on each record:
Prospect – Name(s), Address, Phone(s), Email, Notes, Comments, other vital fields? Example: Old Customer #
Lead Sources – Look for all Lead Source inquiry records from a Prospect. Check the Taken On date, Taker, Source, Source Type, Interested In. Be sure all the data matches what you see in your past CRM system. You can click on each one to open the record and see more details.
Appointment – Look for all Appointment records for a Prospect. Check the Set On Date, Set By, Sales Rep, Confirmed On date, Appointment Date, Result, Result Detail, Comments, are there any attached Quotes? Result field mapping is one of the more important aspects of Data conversion. Be sure Appointments have been resulted in your past CRM.
Sale – Look for a Prospect with multiple Sales. Check that the Sold On date, Sales Rep, Sale Items (total price and quantities) are mapped correctly.
Sale Items - In order to see the individual items on each Sale and their Unit Price and Quantity, click Edit on the Sale record. While here, also check your Sales Tax rates to ensure those are also mapped correctly.
Receipts & Adjustments – On the Sale page, hover over Receipts and Adjustments. You can open each Receipt or Adjustment related to this Sale to check the Received On Date, Type, Type Detail and Amount
Project – Back on the Prospect's main page, scroll down to find all of their Projects. Open each one to check for the correct Status, Project Manager, Completed Date, and if you have been entering Project Costs in your last system, check Project Cost records as well.
Project Activities – Next look at the individual Appointments and Tasks on each Project. Look for who each Activity is Assigned To, the Start Date, End Date, Due Date, Completed Date, Comments. Also Note if there is an overall Project Completed Date. Be sure this data all matches your current CRM.
Products & Materials (if applicable) – Price, Product Category, be sure there are Materials related to each Product and that the Material records have the appropriate Materials Cost and Quantity for one unit sold.
Sources - Look for Total Cost of your marketing spending on each Source. Then Open each Source to see the Total Lead Sources attributed to that Source.
Hover over the Lead Sources related list to see the Total number of Lead Sources.
If there are more than 2000 Lead Sources, you may want to run the Source Cost Performance report, Click Customize on the Report and change the Date Range to All Time, for both report blocks.
This Report will allow you to see all Lead Sources from each Source for All Time, as well as all spending for each Source for all time. Amount is dependent on Source Cost data being available in your past CRM data, and manually entered in improveit 360 going forward.
Completing the Issue Tracker Spreadsheet - How to provide good Examples
Next, let’s review how to provide your feedback on the Data Eval Spreadsheet… Remember, it is most helpful to our team if you can provide the ID of the Record (or closest related record) and a screen shot of the correct data in your previous CRM, for comparison.
Prospects – Include Prospect Name and ID
Example: Sarah Winthrop, PR01513. We do not see any Notes for this Prospect but our current system shows 21 Note records for this person.
Lead Sources – Include Prospect ID and Lead Source date, type and type detail.
Example: PR1248 Alexis Vecharis, lead taken 10/2/2021. The Source and Source Type data do not match. It should appear as Source: Facebook and Source Type: Internet.
Appointment – Include Prospect ID and Appointment Date.
Example: PR1426 Gunther Arbinger had an Appointment that was set to take place on 2/2/2023 but our current system shows it took place on 2/3/2023.
Sale – Include Sale ID.
Example: S14856 the Sold On date and Net On date are correct but Paid in Full and Final On dates do not match our current system. PIF should be 4/23/2019 and Final should be 4/30/2019.
Receipts & Adjustments – Include Sale ID and Receipt and Adjustment Date/Type and Type Detail.
Example: S13562 has a Receipt from 3/12/2022 which the Type and Type Detail do not match our current system. Type should be Deposit and the Type Detail should be Check.
Project – Include Project ID.
Example: Project PRJ18569 does not include the Project Manager data, our previous system shows Peter Project as the PM for this Project.
Project Activities – Include Project ID and Project Activity Name and date.
Example: The Installation appointment on PRJ15846 shows the wrong time. It should be 12pm-6pm but it's showing 1pm-7pm. I found a few more Installations Assigned To Calvin with the same issue. Here are those: PRJ18456 and PRJ184623.
Products & Materials – Include Product Name and Product Category.
Example: The Zoeller 1/2 HP High Efficiency Pump in our Waterproofing category does not have any related Materials. Our data shows there should be 7 Material records attached.
Sources – Include Source Name and Type.
Example: Facebook/Facebook. The Source Type should be Internet rather than Facebook and we took approximately 1500 leads from this Source.
Data Scrubbing or “Clean-Up”
Every database has its own downsides. Perhaps your previous CRM system allowed Users to free-form type Source values instead of restricting values to a list. You may have a large number of Sources with similar (but not identical) Names.
What can WE do if we find “bad data”?
You’ll want to make all corrections to your Data in your previous CRM system, prior to your final Data pull for improveit 360. The more Data Scrubbing or “Clean-Up” you can do in your previous database, prior to loading your improveit 360 system, the cleaner and more accurate your new improveit 360 system will be!
NOTE: improveit 360’s Data Conversion Team does not provide assistance with Data Scrubbing or Data Clean-Up.
Signing the Data Conversion Approval Form
What exactly are we “signing off” on when we sign the Data Conversion Approval?
Your company has confirmed that all the data needed to run your business has been mapped correctly to improveit 360. You confirm that the data has been properly prepared (your company has performed any necessary “data clean-up” in your previous CRM system). You confirm that your company’s data is ready for the final data load into your new improveit 360 system and that no additional mapping changes are needed.
Let’s review the key data points you have verified and that you’re confident in the data mapping integrity.
Be sure you are ready to sign the Data Conversion Approval Form…