improveit 360's address verification is powered by SmartyStreets - if you have this feature activated in your system, when entering addresses, you will see SmartyStreets suggested addresses as you type in the address fields. Addresses known to SmartyStreets will display a green checkbox indicating the address is verified:
If you enter an address and it is NOT able to be verified, you will see this pop-up:
If you click 'Use As It Is', the checkmark will stay grey:
Q: Why is my customer's address not verified? I know it's a real address.
Our address verification relies on SmartyStreets' database of verified addresses - even though it may be a real legitimate address, it may not yet be in the database.
You can use this tool here to see if an address is in their database:
SmartyStreets Single Address Verification
Also note: Most Canadian addresses cannot be Verified by the US version of SmartyStreets. If you are in Canada, you may want to disable the SmartyStreets address verification feature within improveit 360.
Steps to Disable SmartyStreets Address verification here:
Navigate to Setup
Go to Custom Settings
Choose Public System Settings and click Manage
Locate the Enable Smarty Streets checkbox and uncheck the box:
Q: I Google'd my customer's unverified address and found the location, why isn't it verified in Smarty Streets?
Google is a mapping tool, not an address validation database - it can approximate where an address should be, but that does not mean it is a legitimate, standardized, and validated address.
SmartyStreets: How Do I Tell if This Address Is Real/Valid?
SmartyStreets: Google Address Validation
Q: Is it possible we are hitting a limit in the number of SmartyStreets address queries?
Yes! There is a query limit on each IP address within a given timeframe (1 minute). If you have a large number of Users on the same IP address, it is possible to hit the 1-minute query limit for your company's IP address.
Try connecting to a different network (with a different IP address) Hint: Create a Hotspot from your cellular device, or head to the nearest Starbucks free wifi. Login to improveit 360 and try re-verifying the Prospect's Address from a different network. If the address Verifies this confirms that your office IP address is reaching the query limit.
When an IP Address is "flagged" for too many queries, it can continue to impact Address Verification functionality from that IP Address for at least 24 Hours.
Q: When does improveit 360 query SmartyStreets?
Addresses in improveit 360 will attempt to verify (query SmartyStreets) when a Prospect is entered with a full Street Address including Zip Code, AND when an Appointment is scheduled with a full Street Address. If your Appointment Schedulers are first entering a Prospect, then scheduling an Appointment, that would cause two (2) queries by the same User on the same IP address.