Updated Staff Account Functionality to Respect User Profile Settings
User Profiles that do not have Create permissions but do have Read permissions on Commission Adjustments and Staff Account Transaction objects can now see the Commission Adjustments and Staff Account Transaction records without the User's ability to credit/debit from their Staff Account.
This enhancement will allow Sales Reps to see Commissions and Staff Account Transactions without being able to Create or Edit.
Users who have Create permissions on Commission Adjustment and Staff Account Transaction objects will have access to the "Transfer Selected Items to Account" button and will be able to impact changes to the Staff Account.
For User Profiles (ex: Sale Reps) who do not have Create permissions on Commission Adjustment and Staff Account Transaction objects, the button will be hidden. However, since the Profile has Read access to the Commission object, Commission Adjustments and Staff Account Transactions, the User can see the records on the Staff Account page, without the ability to transfer to/from the Staff Account.