This Article covers the feature enhancements included in the Supportworks v3.37 package release (a Winter '24 release).
Invoice Formatting Enhancement
Re-formatted the below highlighted currency values to have commas after every three digits from right.
These changes are reflected in the Invoice that uses ReceiptHtml__c merge fields in their documents.
NOTE: These changes are visible in the invoice ONLY when the new Receipt and Adjustment is Created, or the existing Receipt and Adjustment is Updated.
Next Annual Maintenance Date (NAMD) Flow Enhancement
As Salesforce is retiring Workflow Rules and they are becoming a less-reliable automation method, improveit 360 spotted a need to replace two (2) current Workflow Rules in the Next Annual Maintenance Date update process, due to Workflows failing to fire and update NAMDs appropriately. A new Scheduled Flow replaces those failing Workflow Rules.
Depicted in the diagrams below, improveit 360 is discontinuing the use of:
Workflow Rule B: Set Next Annual Maintenance Date from current NAMD
Workflow Rule C: Reset Annual Maintenance Date Update
NAMD Reset checkbox (on Prospect object)
This new flow will update the current NAMD by adding 12 months to the Date value, only when the current NAMD is older than 90 days.
This scheduled flow will run daily at 12:00 AM
The revised NAMD Process diagram looks like this:
Post Install Steps for NAMD Flow configuration
There are two Workflow Rules which *may* need to be deactivated before Activating the new Next Annual Maintenance Date scheduled Flow.
First, you will want to locate the two Workflow Rules. If they are Inactive, check for any Flows which affect the Next Annual Maintenance Date.
Step 1: Locate and Deactivate Workflow Rules
Navigate to Setup
In the Quick Find, locate Workflow Rules
Locate the "Reset Annual Maintenance Date Update" and "Set Next Annual Maintenance Date from current NAMD" Workflow Rules and click Deactivate next to each one.
Note: If these Workflow Rules are Inactive, you'll want to check for any Active Flows which might be doing something similar with Next Annual Maintenance Date. If there are no Active Workflow Rules and no Active Flows for Next Annual Maintenance, then you should NOT Activate the new NAMD Flow.
We also recommend adding to the Description field: "REPLACED WITH FLOW" so that any other Admins who come after you will know this Workflow is not being used because a Flow is being used instead. They should look like this when finished:
Step 2: Open and Activate New Flow
Next you will Activate the new Flow Template.
In the Quick Find, navigate to Flows
First, look for any Flows that are already Active and are impacting the Next Annual Maintenance Date (or any checkbox fields related to Next Annual Maintenance).
In this system below, they have already migrated Workflow Rules to Flows and these will need to be Deactivated as well.
Note: If the Org has Active Workflows or Flows around NAMD and Service Appointments, you will want to leave them as Active.
Once you have Deactivated any Workflow Rules and Flows that might conflict with the new NAMD Flow, then you can, open the Managed flow labeled: "NAMD update from Current NAMD"
In the upper-right click Activate
This Flow will fire when the Prospect has a Next Annual Maintenance Date AND the NAMD is older than 90 Days ago. Here are the exact conditions of the Flow:
Next Annual Maintenance Date, Is Null, False
NAMD Older than 90 Days ago, Equals, True
The Flow is set to run every day at midnight:
When the flow runs, it will use the Prospect's current NAMD, and add 12 Months then populate a new Next Annual Maintenance Date.
NOTE: If a Prospect's NAMD is several years in the past, it will take several days of the Flow running before the Prospect's NAMD will be caught up to the current year.
Last step is to hide unused Flows in the Org by removing them from All Flows list.
Add "DO NOT USE" to all other Flows that are managed and the Admin cannot Edit.
From the All Flows list, Click and Edit next to each Managed Flow that is not going to be used. Then Edit the Name of each one to include "Do Not Use"
When renamed the List will look like this:
Next, you'll Edit the List View and exclude Flows with a Flow Label which 'does not contain' "Do Not Use"
When finished the All Flows list will look more like this: