During the scheduling process of Appointments and Project Activities, customers can now turn on/off the Conflict pop-up that shows when another project activity or event conflicts with the Appointment being scheduled.
Note: this setting is currently global for all users and profiles in this release. improveit 360’s next release will enhance this setting to respect user and profile specific settings.
To ensure the setting is enabled Navigate to Setup > Custom Settings > Public System Settings > Manage > Edit the Public System Settings.
Ensure that ‘Show Event Conflicts’ and ‘Show Project Activity Conflicts’ checkboxes are true.
First, we’ll need an already existing project activity or event assigned to a staff member and when scheduling a second project activity or appointment you will select to assign to the same staff member for the same date and time.
- You will notice the conflicting project activity or event will be displayed in an alert message under the project activity or appointment you are scheduling.
- Next, navigate back to the Public System Setting from step (b) and turn the ‘Show Event Conflicts’ and ‘Show Project Activity Conflicts’ checkboxes to False.
- Follow step (c) again for scheduling a project activity or appointment to a staff member that has a conflicting project activity or event. Now you will not see the alert message!