The ability to start at Search & Create and land on the sale page brings users a friendly way to create all the necessary records up to the sale page for a quick sale.
This new feature is installed in your system however, it is disabled. Below are instructions to enable the Quick Sale feature. BEFORE Enabling Quick Sale, check the User Profiles in use at your organization. Make sure every User's Profile has Enabled Visualforce Page Access for: i360.QuickSale. Also, check the Custom Fields on your organization's "Prospect & Appointment" page as you will need to add those Custom Fields to the new Lightning Quick Sale Field Set on each related object (Prospect, Lead Source, and Appointment). Follow the instructions below.
Go to Setup> Manage Users> Profiles
Click on one of your Profiles, then hover over the 'Enable Visualforce Page Access' Related List and click the 'Edit' button
In the Available Visualforce Pages column, locate i360.QuickSale and i360.AttachmentManager and use the Add button to move them to the Enabled Visualforce Pages column.
Next you will need to insure all the Fields your staff has become accustomed to seeing on the Lead Entry page are included in the new Lightning Quick Sale Field Set. First, let's audit your Lead Entry page.
Go to Search & Create enter a phone number and click Go
Click 'Create New' and choose Prospect & Appointment:
Here you will want to take note of any Fields that have been added to the Field Set. Be sure to click +more details to see all the Fields.
You may want to write down the Custom Fields on the Prospect, Lead Source and the Appointment. Next, you will need to add all the Custom Fields your company tracks to the new Lighting Quick Sale Field Sets.
Go to Setup> Create> Objects> choose the Prospect Object
Hover over the Field Sets Related List at the top of the page,
Then click Edit next to the "Lightning Quick Sale Prospect" Field Set:
Drag and Drop the Fields from the Prospect record that you'd like visible on the Quick Sale page:
Once you've finished adding all your Custom Fields. Click Save.
Run First Time Setup
Next you'll need to add the Custom Fields from the Lead Source onto the new Quick Sale page.
Go to Setup> Create> Objects> choose the Lead Source Object
Hover over the Field Sets Related List at the top of the page,
Then click Edit next to the "Lightning Quick Sale Lead Source" Field Set:
Drag and Drop the Fields from the Prospect record that you'd like visible on the Quick Sale page:
Once you've finished adding all your Custom Fields. Click Save.
Run First Time Setup
Next you'll need to add the Custom Fields from the Appointment onto the new Quick Sale page.
Go to Setup> Create> Objects> choose the Appointment Object
Hover over the Field Sets Related List at the top of the page,
Then click Edit next to the "Lightning Quick Sale - Appointment" Field Set:
Drag and Drop the Fields from the Prospect record that you'd like visible on the Quick Sale page:
Once you've finished adding all your Custom Fields. Click Save.
Run First Time Setup
Now that you've insured the Custom Fields you track will be available on the new Quick Sale page, follow these steps to Enable the Quick Sale feature!
1. Navigate to Setup>Custom Settings> Public System Settings>Manage and ensure that the ‘Enable Lightning Quick Sale’ checkbox is true to ensure this feature is enabled.
NOTE: Be sure that the checkbox "Disable Quick Sale" is FALSE (unchecked) and that "Enable Lighting Quick Sale" checkbox is TRUE (checked).
Now that the feature is enabled. Let's walk through what the new page will look like...
1. First populate all the fields in the search and create component from the home page and click Go. Once the results are shown, click the Create New drop down and select Prospect & Sale. Ensure all the fields you populated in search and create are also filled in the Quick Sale Lightning Web Component (LWC).
2. To the right of the Prospect section type in a known zip code and click the magnifying glass to ensure the lookup yields correct results.
3. Scroll down to the Lead Source section of the Quick Sale LWC. Here we want to test the source type/source dependency as well as the taker being the logged in user.
4. Select a source type (i.e. Show or Event) and the only sources that can be chosen are the Source dependent on the Source Type you selected.
5. Whomever you are logged in as while performing this testing should be defaulted to the taker on the Lead Source and the Taken On date will default to today?
6. The last section to test is the Appointment section. The Appointment Date and Set On fields should default as Today. The Set By should default to your logged in staff member like the previous item.