The Time Block Manager tab gives you the power to create buckets of time for your Appointment Setters to assign Appointments to, allowing your Sales Manager to use the Appointment Manager tab to quickly assign each Appointment to a Sales Rep. This tool will take the guess work away from your Appointment Setters when assigning Appointments and puts the task of assigning Sales Reps in the hands of your Sales Manager.
Time Block Calendar - the default view on the Time Block Manager tab, this Calendar will show you a 30 day view of all of the Time Blocks you have set for each corresponding day. Each Time Block will display the time range set and the name of the Time Block. The green bar running across each block gives you a quick visual reference of how full each block is. The Time Block will display in red when it has no available slots left.
Filter by Product Category - this dropdown allows you to only view Time Blocks associated with specific Project Categories. Click the dropdown and select a Product Category to filter your Time Blocks.
Filter by Market Segment - Click the dropdown and select a Market Segment to filter your Time Blocks by the Market Segment they are assigned. Learn more about Market Segments.
Repeating Time Blocks - this section of the Time Block Manager gives you a consolidated view of all of your 'Repeating Time Blocks' or Time Blocks set to re-occur on specific days.
Time Block - clicking on an individual Time Block will display all of the fields available.
Repeating Time Block Name - the unique name given to the Time Block. Make sure to name the Time Block something that is easily identifiable by your Appointment Setters/Telemarketers.
- Days of Week - the specific days of the week this Time Block will occur on.
Start Time - this time directly corresponds to the earliest time in which an Appointment can be set and qualify to be assigned to the Time Block. For Example, since the Time Block above is assigned a Start and End time from 1-3pm, only an Appointment with a set time within the 1-3pm time frame will be allowed to be assigned to the Time Block.
End Time - this time directly corresponds to the latest time in which an Appointment can be set and qualify to be assigned to the Time Block.
Start Range - This is the earliest date that the system will begin to create the series of repeating Time Blocks. This field in conjunction with the End Range creates the range of time that the series of Time Blocks will be created.
End Range - This is the latest date that the system will begin to create the series of repeating Time Blocks.
Issue Rate (%) - this is the percent of Appointment set expected to be issued to a Sales Rep. This percent along with the number of 'Available Sales Reps' directly corresponds to the number of Appointments available to be scheduled to this Time Block. For example, since the above Time Block has a 100% 'Issue Rate' and 10 'Available Sales Reps' you would be able to schedule 10 Appointments in this Time Block. A 100% 'Issue Rate' is telling the system that you expect all of the Appointments in this Time Block to be issued and run. In the above example, if the 'Issue Rate' was set to 50% you would be able to schedule 20 Appointments in this Time Block for your 10 Sales Reps as you are expecting 50% of your Appointments to cancel or not be run.
Important Note: if an Appointment is assigned to a Time Block and then subsequently canceled, the Appointment is NOT removed from the Time Block. Canceled Appointment CAN BE removed from Time Blocks, click here to learn more!
Available Sales Reps - the number of Sales Reps available to run Appointments during this Time Frame. This number along with the 'Issue Rate' will determine the number of Appointments available to be scheduled in this Time Block.
Market Segments - select the Appointment Market Segments you would like to make available to be scheduled in this Time Block. Learn more about Market Segments here
Product Categories - the Appointment 'Product Categories' available to be scheduled in this Time Block. For example, if a Time Block is set to only allow Appointments with a Product Category of 'Windows' assigned, only Appointments with 'Windows' as a Product Category will be allowed to be scheduled.
- Created By - the user who created the Time Block.
- Created Date - the date the Time Block was created.
- Last Modified By - the last user to make changes to the Time Block.
- Last Modified Date - the last date and time the Time Block was changed.