This calendar will give you a day by day view of your sales reps schedule.
Only Staff Members who are qualified to sell the Product Category selected on the Appointment will appear on the Staff Calendar.
The Product Category selected on the Appointment is displayed directly below the 'Staff Filters' section on the Scheduling Calendar. You can select the rep[s] you would like to be issued to the Appointment by selecting the '1' or '2' bubbles next to their name for Sales Rep 1 and Sales Rep 2.
Your Sales Reps can be ordered by their Staff 'Score'. This number, 0 - 100, can be entered on each Sales Reps Staff page. Once entered, Sales Rep will be ordered highest to lowest by 'Score' on the scheduling calendar.
Notice a few of the Appointment blocks on the Scheduling calendar above have a distance in miles. This is the straight line distance from the Appointment you are scheduling to the next Appointment for a Sales Rep. This feature, called GeoCoding, comes standard with improveit 360.
Note: this feature only measures distance in a straight line and does NOT account for roadways or geography.
Find Available Time
This tool allows you see a breakdown of the times available to schedule Appointments for your sales reps. The number next to the time block indicates how many sales reps you have available for that specific date and time. Click on the time block, select your rep, hit OK and all of the information is inputted into the Appointment.
Note: if you would rather see the full staff calendar, hit the View Staff Calendar button to open the calendar in a new window.
Interested In
The Product Category that the Prospect is interested in. You can add up to three Product Categories to any Appointment. If the Appointment is resulted as Sold, you can as many Product Categories as needed.
Set, Assign, Confirm
This section automatically tracks the user that created the Appointment and also offers fields to track when and whom assigned the Appointment to a Sales Rep and who confirmed the Appointment.
When a Sale Rep is added to an Appointment in the Sales Rep 1 or Sales Rep 2 field, the system will automatically fill in the date and user who completed the action in the Assigned On and Assigned By fields.
Automated Emails
By clicking the Email Appt. Confirmation to Prospect check box, an Appointment confirmation email will be sent once you save the Appointment [if the Prospect has a valid email address and has not been flagged to stop email communication].
By clicking the Email Appt. Cancellation to Prospect and saving the Appointment, a cancellation email will NOT be sent to the Prospect. The system will ONLY send out a cancellation email to a Prospect if the Email Appt. Cancellation to Prospect box is checked AND the Appointment is resulted as canceled.
When you are done scheduling this Appointment, click Save. This will bring you to the Appointment you just scheduled.