On occasion your staff may need to Un-Result an Appointment in order to change the Result. This Article discusses when you would want to Un-Result and when you might not want to UnResult the Appointment.
Example A: Appointment was initially Demoed, Not Sold
Most companies using improveit 360 enter the Appointment Result on the same day the Appointment took place. If the customer does not immediately commit to the Quoted Price, the Appointment Result will be Demoed, Not Sold and a ReHash Marketing Opportunity will be open to try to close the Sale.
If the customer calls back a day or two later and would like to move forward with the Sale and Project, you will need to Un-Result the original Appointment, and enter the Result of Sold.
Example B: Appointment was initially Resulted as Sold
When the Appointment is Resulted as Sold, improveit 360 creates a Sale record, with Sale Items representing the Products which were sold to the customer. Additionally, there may be payment records (Receipts and Adjustments) applied to the Sale, and if the Sale has been approved, there may be an attached Project. In this situation, you would NOT want to Un-Result the Appointment as that action will Delete the related Sale, Sale Items, Receipts and Adjustments and Projects. Note: The system will pop-up a warning message before Deleting the related records, asking if you are sure you want to make this change.
If the customer has Canceled their Sale, rather than Un-Resulting the Appointment, you will instead change the Sale Status to Canceled.
How To - Change Appointment Result
Resulting Appointments in your improveit 360 system is one of the most important tasks to complete to maintain accurate reports and to fully utilize the closed-loop marketing system. But what happens when a user results an Appointment incorrectly? Maybe they chose the wrong result or after further review a different result was found to be more appropriate. Let's review how to change Appointment Results.
Locate the Appointment you need to change the result for.
Search for the Prospect using the Search and Create tool OR
Locate the Appointment on the Staff Calendar
Click the Un-Result button near the top of the page.
The next page will detail all of the information that will be deleted when you un-result the Appointment.
When removing the result of an Appointment the result information AND any Marketing Opportunities, Appointment or Sale created as a result will also be deleted.
Click Un-Result
You will be brought back to the Appointment and the result will be cleared.
Click the Result button and add the new Result.
Important Note: