This Article will guide you through setting up a Component Product as a Product Configuration. We will show how to create Material records for Component Products. This assures that when a Configuration choice is made, the correct Materials are allocated for the Sale and Project.
Note: This feature is only available with the Products and Materials Managed Package.
See also: Products & Materials Package Overview
See also: Understanding Managed and Unmanaged Packages
See also: How to Enable and Create Component Products
watch this video and Follow along with the steps outlined below
Step 1: Be sure Component Products are Enabled (see: How to Enable Component Products)
Step 2: Create a Component Product, in this example we are adding a Component Product for "Grids" and a "Full Screen." When a Sales Rep selects Full Screen or Grids, we want the system to generate additional Material records (adding to the estimated Cost of the job).
When creating the Component Product, be sure to select "Is Product Component"
Save the Product.
On the Product view page, click the New Material button in the Materials related list:
Be sure to enter Materials Cost, Unit of Measure and Quantity
Once Saved you will see the related Material record on the Component Product view page:
Repeat this process for all Component Products that need to be used in Configuration.
Step 3: Create the primary Product and the Materials that are always related to the primary Product (non Configuration related Materials).
Note: If one of the Material lines is Labor, be sure to check the Labor checkbox on the Material record:
Step 4: Create Configuration options for each of the Component Products on the primary Product:
Click Edit on the primary Product
Click +Add Configuration Field button
Name the Configuration and choose List of Options, typically, Required at the Quote stage
Click +Add List Option button
Enter the Values of Yes or No
Choose which Component Product should be added to the Sale when Yes is selected.
Repeat this process for all Component Products which need to be a Configuration choice.
Note: Keep in mind, what the Sales Reps will see in the User Interface will be the Configuration Name and the Values. The Component Product Name is what the customer will see on their Quote/Sale if your Quote documents are itemized.
Step 5: Create a Quote using the Primary Product, and Result the Appointment as Sold. On the Sale View page, scroll down to see the Sale Items and the related Materials. In the example below, we sold two Windows and both windows have Full Screens and Grids.
Tips and Tricks!
To use United Inches Configuration Options and have Quoted Price and Materials Costs dependent on the Configurations selected, create each United Inches option as a separate Component Product. The Component Product will dictate which Material records are generated while the Primary Product has a $0 Price and no Materials.
Here is the Component Product for the United Inches Range of 102-103 UI. Note the Material records.
On the Primary Product, each United Inches range is a List of Options allowing the Configuration choice to dictate the Component Products (and their respective Materials):
In the example below, we sold a Double Hung Window, and the Configuration options selected were: 102-103 UI, Grids: Yes, Full Screen: Yes
NOTE: The primary Product (labeled Vytex Double Hung WHITE) has no Materials directly related to it, and the Price is $0. This is because the Component Products determine the Price and the Materials.
In a Products List view we can add the "Is a Component" checkbox to see all Primary Products and Component Products:
If you are compiling a spreadsheet of Products and related Materials, be sure to include the "Is a Component" field in the spreadsheet for data mapping.
Here is an example of how the spreadsheet would be filled out when using Component Products. Note: the Primary Double Hung Window Product does not have any Materials and the Price to be loaded is 0.
Attached to this Article you'll find this sample spreadsheet of Products & Materials specific to Window products with Component Products.