This article will help you create a new report to see when a Report was last run and who ran it. This report will include: Report Name, Last Modified By: Full Name, Last Modified Date, and Last Run.
This information is beneficial when you want to clean up unused reports, see which User last modified a Report, see which reports belong to a Dashboard, etc.
Create a New Report
Use the screenshots (below) and instructions for creating a new report.
Navigate to the Reports tab. Click on the New Report button next to Reports and Dashboards. Next find the 'Reports with or without Dashboard Components' Report Type in the quick find search. Then press the Create button.
From there you will select the fields you want. You can do this by searching in the quick find box under fields.
- Report Name
- Last Modified By: Full Name
- Last Modified Date
- Last Run
Make sure to select the Time Frame you want, show All reports, and have all the fields selected. Then you can run the report.
Select Customize if you need to change anything. Once you are satisfied with the report, choose Save As to name the report and save it to a Folder of your choice. Remember, whoever the Folder is shared with, will have access to the new Report.
See also: Report Folder Sharing
Below is an example of what your report should look like.