The following is a guide to assist Administrators, Champions and Decision Makers with Training their internal teams on improveit 360. Broken down by Role, these are our suggestions of the Training material you should cover with your team during your initial onboarding process, or when a new employee starts working for your company.
First, be sure the employee is familiar with the Process Accountability Diagram. This diagram is a visual representation of how a lead flows through the system and the critical system inputs needed to direct a Prospect through the entire customer life cycle. You may want to continue to reference this diagram as you learn about the primary objects (record types) within the improveit 360 system, and if anyone leaves your organization, you'll need another person on your team to cover their day-to-day responsibilities. See also: Glossary of Terms by Object
Lead Entry team, the Marketing Manager, Canvassers and Appointment Setters:
Recap the Lead Entry terminology with your team, ensure everyone knows what the Lead Source record is, and how it is different from Prospect and Marketing Opportunity. Reference the Closed Loop Marketing Flow chart to ensure your team understands the consequences of marking a Prospect as Not Qualified.
Watch Marketing Manager Training
Review the Importance of Ending Sources. Keep a clean Source list, ensuring Leads are not attributed to the wrong Source. Enter your spending (Source Costs) for accurate Cost per Lead, Cost per Appointment and Return on Investment Reporting.
For the Appointment Setters and Sales Manager:
Watch Appointment Scheduling Training
Review Appointment Scheduling and Resulting Process Diagram
Discuss internally and continue to re-enforce the importance of Appointment Resulting by reviewing the Appointment Results and how they relate to your Appointment "count" fields. Be sure everyone in your organization understands when you use each Result value.
System Best Practice: Result every Appointment
Remember: No Result = No Report Metrics
For the Sales Team, and the Sales Manager:
Watch Sales Rep Mobile App Training
Discuss internally and continue to re-enforce the importance of Appointment Resulting by reviewing the Appointment Results and how they relate to your Appointment "count" fields in Reports. Be sure everyone in your organization understands when you use each Result value.
System Best Practice: Result every Appointment
Remember: No Result = No Report Metrics
Review Result Definitions to ensure your employees know when it is appropriate to use each Appointment Result value.
Note: Be sure everyone on your team has a clear expectation of Resulting all of their Appointments, and they are comfortable using the Mobile App. For Sales Managers, be sure you have a clear understanding of your company's Approval Process and train your team on the steps in your Approval Process.
For the Sales Manager and the Accounting Department:
Discuss the advantages of using the PaySimple Payment Processing integration and determine if your team plans to use this feature. Train your team on entering payments (either entering Receipts & Adjustments manually, or using PaySimple Payment Processing feature).
Review the out-of-the-box Commission calculations and consider simplifying Commission calculations and pay-outs. If your company plans to track Commission pay-outs in improveit 360, Train your staff on when Commissions are made Ready to Pay, and how to transfer them to the Staff Account.
Last, emphasize the importance of giving every Sale a Final On date after the Project(s) is finished. This ensures your company is calling to Remarket to your Previous Customers. See also: Appointment Resulting Flow Chart and review when/why a Marketing Opportunity gets created for re-marketing.
For Production Managers, Foreman and Installers:
Discuss the critical steps in your Production process. Be sure you have a Project Template for each type of Project/production process. Train your Staff on using Project and Project Activity List Views to manage their day-to-day Project related Tasks.
Review the Mobile App together with your Foreman and Installers. Ensure every member of the Production team can download the app, login, navigate to their Calendar, get Driving Directions to the jobsite, upload images to the Project, collect a Final Payment and Complete their assigned Project Activities. Be sure each member of your team knows which data they are responsible for entering on the Project.
Determine who in your organization is responsible for Completing Projects on improveit 360 desktop, and Train those team members on your processes around closing the Project, which may include entering Project Costs, and entering a Project Completed Date.
For Owners and System Admins:
Watch the Owner Reports & Dashboards Training to learn about the Out-of-the-Box Reports and Dashboards from improveit 360, and how to quickly change Date Ranges, Sort Order and Grouping of your Report data.
To take a deeper dive into Reports, check out our 1-Hour class on Report Formulas and Filtering.
For System Administrator Users, you'll want to complete our Intro to System Administration Training and to ensure you're getting the most out of your CRM, be sure to check out our Intermediate Admin Series, Become an improveit 360 Super User!
Admin Best Practice: Limit the number of Appointment Results your Sales Reps can choose from. Ensure everyone in your organization knows when it is appropriate to use each Result.
System Best Practices: Be sure ALL Appointments scheduled are Resulted. Be sure ALL Sales are given a Final On date.
If you are interested in digging in and getting down and dirty with Salesforce Flow automation and more advanced customizations, our team hosts a bi-annual Advanced Admin Training class, for a fee. Open a Support ticket for more information about our upcoming Advanced Admin events.