The Image Carousel is the scrollable photo-strip at the bottom of each page that displays the pictures attached to the record. The Advanced section of the Settings tab controls what images are displayed on each pages Image Carousel.
The Image Carousel
For each section of the system you can choose to display attached images in the Image Carousel:
▪ Hide - will completely hide the images attached in the Image Carousel. You will still be able to view the attachments by manually clicking view next to each attachment.
▪ Only Object Images - this option will only display the images attached to this specific record. For example, if you have 5 pictures attached to an Appointment, this option will only display those 5 pictures in the Image Carousel.
▪ Bread Crumb Images - this option will display all images attach to any record in the 'Bread Crumb' trail. For example, if you 5 pictures attached to a Prospect page, 5 pictures attached to a Lead Source, 5 pictures attached to the Appointment created and 5 pictures attached to the Sale created from the Appointment, the Sale Image Carousel will display all of the images from all of the previous records.
▪ All Related Images - this option will display any image attached to any record for a Prospect regardless of it is in a 'Bread Crumb' trail. For example, a picture attached to an Appointment run last year will display on a Sale made for the same Prospect this year.
Below is an example of the Image Carousel on the Appointment page set to 'Only Object Images' so we are only viewing the pictures attached to the specific Appointment: