This video series is an all-encompassing look at Staff Creation followed by User Activation and Deactivation, as well as the staff / user relationship and common pitfalls when setting up New Staff members and New Users.
NOTE: After Saving the Active User's record, check the Permission Set Assignments for the User. Be sure they have at least a Minimum Access Permission Set Assignment.
When an employee leaves your company, you'll want to Deactivate the User and enter an "End Date" on their Staff record. Follow along with these videos to complete both steps in Deactivating the User and Ending the Staff record:
The next video in this series talks about Duplicate Staff and understanding the Staff/User Relationship. A common pitfall when setting up a New User is accidentally creating a Duplicate Staff member. "I created the Staff member but I didn't see them on the Staff Calendar." Do not create the Staff member again!
Visibility of a Staff member on the Calendar is based on their Capabilities, not whether their User is Active or Inactive. Be sure you only create a Staff member one time.
This video shows how to correct a Duplicate Staff member when the Appointments have been assigned to a Staff member who has an Inactive User.