The Not Qualified information in improveit 360 resides on the Prospect object. However, some customers would like to see the number of Not Qualified leads on their Lead Source Reports. Additionally, some customers want to deduct the number of Not Qualified Leads from their Lead Conversion % formulas.
The 11-minute video below covers how to move data from the two (2) Not Qualified information fields from the Prospect object to the Lead Source using Formula Fields. We will then show you how to add these 2 fields to a Lead Source Performance report and modify the formulas within that report.
Note: Every customer using improveit 360 can customize the Not Qualified Reason(s) within their system. For this reason, be sure to check the Values of the field in your system. The values are likely not the same and what is shown in this video.
Navigate to Setup
Go to the Objects menu and choose the Lead Source object.
Click the New button in the Custom Fields and Relationships section.
The 2 Field formulas used in this Video:
Not Qualified (formula - checkbox):
Not Qualified Reason(s) (formula - text):
IF( INCLUDES( i360__Prospect__r.i360__Not_Qualified_Reason__c , "Moved Away"), "Moved Away, ", "") &
IF( INCLUDES( i360__Prospect__r.i360__Not_Qualified_Reason__c , "Out of Area"), "Out of Area, ", "") &
IF( INCLUDES( i360__Prospect__r.i360__Not_Qualified_Reason__c , "Renter/Non-Owner"), "Renter/Non-Owner, ", "")&
IF( INCLUDES( i360__Prospect__r.i360__Not_Qualified_Reason__c , "Mobile Home"), "Mobile Home, ", "") &
IF( INCLUDES( i360__Prospect__r.i360__Not_Qualified_Reason__c , "Bad or Old Data"), "Bad or Old Data, ", "") &
IF( INCLUDES( i360__Prospect__r.i360__Not_Qualified_Reason__c , "Other"), "Other, ", "") &
IF( INCLUDES( i360__Prospect__r.i360__Not_Qualified_Reason__c , "Heavy Rains"), "Heavy Rains, ", "")
Be sure to replace the values highlighted in Red with the exact API Names in your system's Not Qualified Reason(s) field. Watch the full video for reference.