Sources are the individual marketing efforts used to advertise your business.
Adding new Sources to your system is most commonly done when you first setup your system and when you start using a new marketing Source. This setup is critical to accurately track where your Prospects are coming from which will result in accurate reporting on your ROI for each Source.
Source Name - the name of the specific marketing campaign, in this case the '2015 Home and Garden Show'.
Source Type - the broad category of marketing, in this example set it to 'Show or Event'.
Start - the date you started using this Source. In this case we will use the date the show started. This will be the date you and your Users can select this Source when entering new Prospects.
End- the date you stopped using this Source. In this case we will use the date the show ended. This will be the date you and your Users cannot select this Source when entering new Prospects. If you will be entering Prospects into your system in the days following the show's end, entered the end date as much as you need.The 'Taken On' date reflects the date the Prospects information was captured. This will default to today's date but can be changed manually. The 'Taken On' date also acts as the date the system will look at to make sure the Source is available based upon the Sources 'Start' date. If we changed the 'Taken On' date to a date before the Sources 'Start Date' or after the 'End Date', we would not be able to select the 'Source'.
If your company is bringing Data into improveit 360 from a previous CRM system, the Data Conversion process includes the load of Marketing Sources. If you ARE bringing data into improveit 360 from a previous system, do NOT create Marketing Sources until your Data has been loaded. Creating Marketing Sources prior to a data load runs the risk of having Duplicate Marketing Sources.
Let's take a look at adding Sources to your system, and tracking the spending for each Source:
Now let's discuss why it's important to End any Marketing Sources your company no longer uses for Advertising. This ensures that new Lead are not attributed to Sources you no longer advertise with.