These videos are only for system administrators within your improveit 360 system. These videos cover basic field level security and how to hide/show fields for certain profiles in a three part series.
New to improveit 360 terminology?
What is field level security, what is a field? -
A field is a specific area on a page that contains information (for example: A 'First Name' field on the Appointment page contains your customer's first name information).
Field level security allows you to determine who can and cannot see and/or edit specific fields. You (as the system administrator) can set these guidelines and adjust visibility based on your company's unique needs. You can change these settings for your users based on their assigned profile that determines whether a field is visible or hidden, and read-only or editable for those users.
Field Level Security Part 1: This video explains what field level security is, and how field level security allows you to restrict access to specific fields on a profile-by-profile basis. You can restrict this user access in detail and edit pages, related lists, list views, reports and more. You can define the field level security in one of two ways: 1) for multiple fields on a single permission set or profile OR 2) for a single field on all profiles.
Field Level Security Part 2: This video shows how to set field level security for a single field on all profiles. For example, you could set 'Read-Only' field level security on the prospect page for the prospect's primary email address. This will restrict access to all users and they will be able to view the email address on the prospect page, but they will not be able to edit it.
Field Level Security Part 3: This video shows how to define field level security for multiple fields on a single profile that may be used for multiple users.