The following tags are officially recognized by the improveit 360 system and are mapped to their own fields on the eLead object. Unrecognized elements are appended to the 'Comments' section of the eLead. Values that are too long are automatically truncated.
If you have any difficulty getting values to map using the friendly names, try using the Field API Names instead. See also: How do I find Field API Names?
Note: Supportworks package has an additiona field for Opt out of Text. The value sent must be "True" or "False" for a checkbox field type.
This new field allows lead providers (like TreeHouse) to send in Opt Out data with the eLead payload. This is only available in the Supportworks package. You can always create a custom field on the eLead and the Prospect objects to accomplish similar functionality. see also: Create Custom Fields on the eLead and other object types
Element | Notes |
FirstName | Any text up to 255 characters. |
LastName | Any text up to 255 characters. |
StreetAddress | Any text up to 255 characters. |
City | Any text up to 255 characters. |
State | Preferably, the two letter state or province abbreviation. The full name can also used, and the system will attempt to convert it to the two letter abbreviation for you. |
Zip | Any text up to 255 characters. |
Any text up to 255 characters. Recommend you validate this field before submitting. | |
Email2 | Any text up to 255 characters. Recommend you validate this field before submitting. |
Phone1 | Note: Email-to-eLead must be formatted as a phone number. Web-to-eLead will accept number string, the system will automatically format number string to (xxx) xxx-xxxx. |
Phone2 | Note: Email-to-eLead must be formatted as a phone number. Web-to-eLead will accept number string, the system will automatically format number string to (xxx) xxx-xxxx. |
Phone3 | Note: Email-to-eLead must be formatted as a phone number. Web-to-eLead will accept number string, the system will automatically format number string to (xxx) xxx-xxxx. |
Phone1Type | Any text up to 255 characters. Usual values are 'Home', 'Mobile', and 'Work', but anything will be accepted. |
Phone2Type | Any text up to 255 characters. Usual values are 'Home', 'Mobile', and 'Work', but anything will be accepted. |
Phone3Type | Any text up to 255 characters. Usual values are 'Home', 'Mobile', and 'Work', but anything will be accepted. |
Comments | Any text up to 32,000 characters. |
YearHomeBuilt | Any text up to 4 characters. |
YearHomePurchased | Any text up to 255 characters. |
HouseholdIncome | Any text up to 255 characters. |
HomeValue | Any text up to 255 characters. |
BestTimeToCall | Any text up to 255 characters. |
Taker | The full name of the person who took the lead that will get populated on the new Lead Source. This has to match exactly with an existing Staff name. I.E. 'John Doe'. If no match is found it will be ignored. |
Product (Email-to-eLead) Interest (Web-to-eLead) |
Can be a single value or multiple separated values e.g. "Doors;Gutters;Windows." For best results, these values should match up with the 'Product Categories' in your system. |
RequestAppontmentDate | (yes, RequestAppontment is misspelled - missing the letter "i". If you try to spell it correctly, the value will be placed in comments.) If populated, an Appointment is automatically created in the system with this date. The Appointment will have a special status of ‘Requested’ so they can filtered on easily. Must be in either YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format. |
RequestAppontmentTime | (yes, RequestAppontment is misspelled - missing the letter "i". If you try to spell it correctly, the value will be placed in comments.) If ‘RequestAppointmentDate’ is populated, this will further populate the time on that Appointment. Format must be h:mm tt (i.e., '7:30 PM'). |
Date | The date this lead was taken on in either YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format. Defaults to current date. |
Latitude | The latitude of the address in decimal format. |
Longitude | The longitude of the address in decimal format. |
Source | Defaults to "eLead". This is used in conjunction with the 'SourceType' to build the Lead Source record in the system. If a source is not found in the system based on these two values, it is created automatically by the Public Site Guest User. Note: This field must be in the Subject line for email-to-eLead integration. |
SourceType | Defaults to "Lead Provider". This is used in conjunction with the 'Source' field to build the Lead Source record in the system. If a source is not found in the system based on these two values, it is built automatically. |
CampaignID | Used to identify a campaign in an external system. |
VendorLeadID |
Do not use. Prevents new marketing opportunity creation. |
MarketSegment |
Any text up to 255 characters. If you are using this, you should validate that this matches up to a Market Segment in your system. |