This Article highlights the Features, Objects and Fields which comprise improveit 360's Roofing Package.
NOTE: This package includes the Products and Materials Add-On Package. The Roofing Package cannot be installed independently from the Products & Materials package. The two Packages function in concert with one another.
See also: Understanding improveit 360 Packages
The PDF can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
To Sign up, Submit a Request here:
Custom Fields on Appointment Object:
- Insurance Company (lookup to Accounts)
- Adjuster (lookup to Contact)
- Adjuster Phone (pulls from Contact record)
- Adjuster Email (pulls from Contact record)
- Insurance Status (picklist)
- Claim Number
- Picklist Value for Appointment "Type" field also includes: "Insurance"
Roofing Package Appointment page, includes "Insurance" Field Set, and "Insurance" Appointment Type:
- Events related to the Appointment record are used to track additional Adjuster Meetings in which "closing the sale" is not expected.
- From the Appointment Page scroll down to the Open Activities related list and click "New Event"
- NOTE: Once the Event is saved, it will appear on the Staff Calendar as well as in the Activity History related list on the Appointment page.
- Assign the Event to the Sales Rep User, and enter a Subject of "Adjuster Meeting"
- If the Insurance Adjuster is a Contact in your system, you can add the Adjuster by using the magnifying glass icon to choose the Contact record.
- Enter the appropriate Start Date/Time and End Date/Time
- Keep the Event record "Related To" the original Appointment
- NOTE: The Sales Rep MUST be a User in order to be Assigned this Event
Create Quotes using desired Profit Margin
Quote Edit page to change Profit Margin which will adjust the "Total Cost" Sale Item automatically. (Do not manually change the Unit Price.)
Creating Materials to be Allocated when a Product is sold
Sample Products and Materials spreadsheet is downloadable at the bottom of this Article.
Resulting Appointment and Creating a Sale with Materials:
Assign Sale Items & Receipts/Adjustments to Projects:
Installed Quantities dictate the Auto-Generated Project Cost Total:
Custom Fields added to Project object
- Dumpster Company (lookup to Accounts)
- Dumpster Location
- Dumpster Date
- Dumpster Email
- Material Company (lookup to Accounts)
- Material Location
- Material Date
- Material Email
- Installation Instructions/Info
- 2/12 (number of squares)
- 3/12 (number of squares)
- 4/12 (number of squares)
- 5/12 (number of squares)
- 6/12 (number of squares)
- 7/12 (number of squares)
- 8/12 (number of squares)
- 9/12 (number of squares)
- 10/12 (number of squares)
- 12/12 (number of squares)
- 14/12 (number of squares)
- Mansard (number of squares)
- Modified (number of squares)
- Modified Color (text)
- TPO (number of squares)
- Product (picklist)
- Product Color (text)
- Square Total (formula to SUM all number of squares by Pitch) - NOTE: Does not include Mansard, Modified or TPO
This video shows How To Create a Warranty and How To Transfer a Warranty to a new Property Owner:
Email Automations Added for the Roofing Package
Dumpster Delivery Email - Templates-Project folder
Material List Email - Templates-Project folder
In order to populate a Material onto the Material List email, you must check the "Add to Material List" checkbox on each Material that you would like to show up in the Email Template:
Example of Material List email:
Rainy Day Email (sent via a checkbox on the Project) - Templates-Project folder
Buttons and Documents Added for the Roofing Package
Material Button to Print Document - include in existing article with these updates
- On the related list of the material object a new button will automatically download a predefined formatted document for all related materials.
From the Project page, scroll down to the Materials related list. Click the Related Materials PDF button:
The system will generate a Materials List PDF document that looks like the example below.
NOTE: You cannot customize this document.
To Sign up for the improveit 360 Roofing Package, simply Submit a Request here: