You may want to allow Sales Reps to enter Comments on an Appointment or Edit certain Fields on the Appointment, but not be permitted to Result the Appointment.
A Validation Rule can be created on the Appointment object, to prevent Editing of the Result Field by specific User Profiles.
- Navigate to Setup > Create > Objects
- Scroll and click on 'Appointment' object
- On the Appointment page, scroll down to the 'Validation Rule' section
- Click 'New'
- Use one of the Criteria below
Example A:
This Validation Rule prevents any non-Admin Users from Resulting an Appointment:
Allow ONLY Admin:
$User.ProfileId <> "00e1U000002Cq9k"
Allow multiple User Profiles:
NOT(OR( $User.ProfileId = "00e5f000002V7cS",$User.ProfileId = "00e5f000002V7cU"))
Insert the Record ID of the Profile(s) you'd like to have Edit access to the Result field. This may be System Administrator profile, or a Finance Admin Profile. Keep in mind, you'll need to include ALL Profile Record IDs which should have Edit access to the Result field.
Example B:
This Validation Rule allows Users to Result the Appointment but prevent them from changing the Result:
Allow Single User Profile:
$User.ProfileId <> "00ei0000001EYyf"
Allow Multiple User Profiles:
NOT(OR( $User.ProfileId = "00e5f000002V7cS",$User.ProfileId = "00e5f000002V7cU"))