If your company has not been entering Source Costs in improveit 360, review the video on why you should track Source Costs, and how to run key Marketing Reports in improveit 360.
About Source Costs
You will notice immediately if your business has not been properly tracking Source Costs when you navigate to the Sources Tab. The Total Cost column displays the Sum of all Source Costs which have been entered for that Source.
Note: This system has $0 in spending recorded for all their Marketing Sources.
Click on the Source Name
From the Source record, hovering over the Source Costs related list will display ever instance in which your company incurred a marketing expense from that lead provider, and entered a Source Cost on that Source.
Here is what it looks like when properly tracking Source Costs in improveit 360, over a period of several years for one Source:
Using Excel to prepare Source Cost data to insert
If your company has not entered Source Costs and you would like to insert Source Cost records to track historical marketing spending, you can do this using the Salesforce Data Loader and a CSV file.
In your spreadsheet be sure to include the Source ID, Paid Date and Amount.
Note: the Source ID in required in order to match the inserted Source Cost record with the appropriate Source in your system:
You will find the Source ID on the Source page in the URL:
Simply Copy the record ID from the URL and paste it into the spreadsheet in the Source ID column.
Keep in mind, if you are inserting Source Costs for multiple Sources, be sure to copy/paste the record ID for each unique Source so that you do not map all Source Costs to just one Source.
Note: In the example spreadsheet below, I am inserting Cost records for two (2) different marketing Sources.
When finished with your spreadsheet, Save the file in a CSV format.
Using Salesforce Data Loader to insert Source Cost records
Open the Salesforce Data Loader. If you need to download the latest version of the Data Loader, see also: Downloading and Using Salesforce Data Loader.
Click Insert
You will be prompted to enter your Login credentials. Note: only Admin Users can use the Data Loader
Choose the Source Cost (i360__Source_Cost__c) object
Then click Browse
Locate and Select the CSV file you created during the previous step.
Click Create or Edit a Map
Then choose to "Auto-Match Fields to Columns"
If you've named the Columns in the CSV file exactly the same Names as the Field labels in improveit 360 the Data Loader will auto-match the Fields to the columns from your spreadsheet. However, you'll want to make sure the Source ID in the top box matches up with the Source API name you're mapping to.
If there are columns in your spreadsheet which do not auto-match to Fields, you'll need to Click and Drag the Field to the Field Name section, matching the Field Name to the appropriate File Column Header.
Be sure Paid On and Amount are also mapped appropriately. You do not need to map the Source Name column.
When finished mapping, click Next
The Data Loader produces two log files. One log, shows all successfully inserted records and the second shows any records which failed to Insert. These two log files are known as the "Success and Error Logs." You will need to specify a location on your Hard Drive to save the two log files.
Use the Browse button to set the destination. After you've done so, click Finish.
The Data Loader will ask you if you're sure, as changes will be irreversible.
Best Practice Tip: Test an Insert of only one (1) Product for your first load. Make sure you have the formatting and mapping correct with one test record. If everything looks good for that one record, you can continue with a full load of all records.
Click Finish
Depending upon how many records, this can take awhile. Do not close the Data Loader. When finished, the Data Loader will provide a Success file and an Error file. If records failed, you can re-load from the Error file.