Account* - Any Commercial companies you may do business with like a General Contractor, Lenders, Vendors, etc. can be saved as Accounts. *see also Commercial Functionality |
Active (User) - This checkbox on the User page indicates if the User can log-in to the system When an employee leaves your company, Uncheck the Active checkbox to insure they cannot continue to access your system. |
Admin - Your System Administrator. The person at your company responsible for setting up your Users and maintaining your system. This person may also be a trainer for any new employees you hire. |
All Tabs - This page (found by clicking the + sign) is where you see All the Tabs visible to you (Tab visibility is specific to each User's Profile settings). |
API - "Application Programming Interface" is the part of the server that receives requests and sends responses. |
API Name - The API Name for a field in improveit 360 is the 'system name' for that field. This is the name you will reference if you wish to use that field on a document, in an email, or when setting up an integration. |
Appointment - Represents a scheduled time with a Prospect for the assigned sales rep to attempt to sell your company’s goods or services. Appointments will display on the Staff Calendar based on Staff Capabilities. |
Appointment Manager (Call Queue) - Specific module that allows Users to select a Time Block, and confirm and assign all Appointments within that Time Block in a quick and easy manner. |
Assigned To (Marketing Opportunity) – Some companies elect to Assign Marketing Opportunities to their staff. This field tracks who should be working that Marketing Opportunity. Example: the Sales Rep delivered a Quote and resulted the Appointment as Demoed, Not Sold. The Sales Rep can be assigned the ReHash Marketing Opportunity to continue trying to close the customer. |
Breadcrumbs - At the top of each record, you can see the 'breadcrumb trail' for that record. This is for quick navigation to related records of the page you are on. I.E. a Sale record would show the corresponding Appointment, Lead Source and Prospect links. |
Call Queue - A tool designed for telemarketers to disposition each phone call quickly. You will choose a specific Campaign to work when you enter the Call Queue module. |
Campaign (Call Queue) - The filter settings used to build a call list for telemarketers to use in the Call Queue. Ex: Internet Leads 1-7 Days would pull in Leads who came from Source Type: Internet and were taken during the last 7 days. |
Campaign Member (Campaign) - When a Prospect is called from the Call Queue, a Campaign Member is created to track the Actions made while that Prospect is worked in a specific Campaign. |
Canceled (Sale) - If a Sale is canceled (by you, or by your customer) you will select the Sale Status of canceled, and choose a canceled reason. |
Canceled (Appointment) - If a Prospect calls and cancels their scheduled Appointment prior to the Appointment date, you will result that Appointment as canceled. |
Capabilities (Staff) - Found on the Staff record, Capabilities indicate what products or services a Staff member is capable of selling (Sales Capabilities) or Installing (Project Capabilities). |
Carousel - Refers to the Image Carousel found on the desktop application. Ex: The Prospect page will show images uploaded to any related records for that Prospect. |
Champion - The person at your company responsible for training your staff. This person will be the go-to person at your company for all questions from your Users. The champion will also be the primary person who communicates with improveit 360 for questions and requests. |
Chatter - Similar to a social media comments thread, Chatter is used to communicate internally about any record in the system. Ex: I chatter on a Sale record to Nadine in Accounting, "have we received a deposit for this job yet?" |
Checkbox - A common field type within the system used to track a variety of information. Ex: On the Prospect page, if the Prospect indicates not to contact them by email, be sure the "Opt out of Email" checkbox is checked. |
Closed Loop Marketing - improveit 360's process flow which insures your company will never lose track of a lead or miss out on an opportunity to cross-sell or remarket to past customers. |
Commercial Functionality - A custom configuration of improveit 360 which allows you to bill jobs to Commercial entities (such as General Contractors or Builders) while maintaining your database of homeowners. Native improveit 360 is designed for Business to Residential sales. Utilizing Commercial Functionality allows the user to designate Business to Business sales within your system. |
Communication Log – Located on the Prospect page the Communication Log displays all of the automated email and text communications that have gone out to that Prospect for the entire history of your relationship with that Prospect. |
Configuration - The process of tailoring your system to suit your company's specific needs. Some Configuration requests are Customization, billed as an Advanced Service starting at $125 per hour. |
Contact* - Any employees or contacts at Commercial companies you may do business with. Note: setting up Commercial Functionality is a paid service. *see also Account *see also Commercial Functionality |
Conversion - Refers to the process of extracting your data from your previous CRM provider, sending it to improveit 360 and having our Data Conversion Specialists convert your existing database into a format compatible with improveit 360. |
Correspondence Name - The Prospect's name in a format suitable for automated communications. Ex: Prospect Name is "Robertson, Shelly" while the Correspondence Name will read "Shelly Robertson." |
Customer - A Prospect Status. When you result an Appointment as ‘Sold,’ a Sale is created and the Prospect Status will automatically update to 'Customer'. |
Customization - Any changes to your improveit 360's native functionality or set of fields. Customizations are billed as an Advanced Service starting at $125 per hour. |
Dashboard - A graphical representation of several Reports. Ex: One Dashboard may contain Charts from 9 different Reports all in one convenient location. |
Data - Each record and field within your system makes up your Data. Data Storage refers to the space needed to house your data. File Storage refers to the space needed to house your attachments. |
Decisionmaker - The person at your company responsible for making buying decisions (adding User licenses or purchasing Customizations). |
Delegated Admin - For companies who do not have a system champion, our Delegated Admin services provide a specific number of hours per month for Q&A, training sessions for your employees, report building, etc. There are several options that can be purchased based on your company's current needs. |
Demo (Appointment) - An Appointment Reporting field that indicates the Sales Rep completed the Sales pitch. This Reporting field corresponds with the Results of Sold or Demoed, Not Sold. |
Demoed, Not Sold (Appointment) - An Appointment result that indicates the sales rep was able to complete their sales pitch to the Prospect but was not able to sell the product at that time. |
Department Dashboard - A Tab which can contain List Views, Reports and Dashboards pulling data from multiple locations in the system. Example: An Appt Setting Department Dashboard may have List Views of Marketing Opportunities and Appointments. |
Development - If you request a customization to your improveit 360 system that requires custom Apex code-writing, this is referred to as development, rather than configuration. |
Disposition (Call Queue) - A reference to the Call Queue. A disposition is the action taken by a telemarketer when recording the outcome of a phone call. Ex: Busy Signal, Left Message, No Answer, New Appointment. |
Disregard in Statistics (Appointment) - When an appointment is resulted, and you do not want that Appointment to count against your sales rep in reporting statistics, you can mark that appointment to be disregarded in statistics. |
Due Date (Marketing Opportunity) - The date in which your staff needs to take action and make contact with the Prospect. This could be to Set a New Appointment, ReHash an existing Quote or Reset a Canceled Appointment. *see also Type (Marketing Opportunity) |
eLead - Any Leads received electronically through an integration with a Lead Provider (like HomeAdvisor) or webforms like on your company's website. eLeads are automatically converted to Prospects, providing the minimum information was submitted. |
Email Tempate - A reusable document that can be manually or automatically emailed. Often these use merge fields to make the email appear customized for the end user. Example: an “Address” merge field for an installation reminder will pull each customer’s actual address. |
Event - On the Calendar, Events are used to block off time when a Staff member will be unavailable. Examples: The Staff member is taking time off, is attending manufacturer training or needs to attend an internal meeting. |
Field Set - A group of fields. This is how/where the Admin will make changes to what fields appear on the page. |
Final - A Sale status indicating that the work is complete, and all money has been collected for the Sale. Final is the status that indicates that the Sale and Project are complete, and there is nothing left to do. |
First Time Setup - A tool that is used to "reboot" improveit 360, typically after the Admin has made changes. |
Flagged - An action taken by marking a Prospect as Not Qualified. Some valid Not Qualified Reasons are: Renter/Non-Owner, Prospect is outside our Service Area or Prospect is requesting Products we do not sell. |
Follow-Up (Appointment) - An Appointment result that indicates an additional follow up call or appointment is necessary to complete the sales pitch and come to a “yes” or “no” decision from the Prospect. |
Go-Live - The date your improveit 360 system is active and your official system of record. |
History - A section near the bottom of many pages in improveit 360 which displays changes to certain fields on that record. The system Admin may update which fields are tracked in this section. |
ID - A unique identifying number assigned to every record within improveit 360. |
improveit 360 GO - The improveit 360 mobile app, available for both iOS and Android. Some key functions include lead entry, the ability to result appointments, capturing pictures, and searching for nearby references. |
In-Line Editing - Functionality that allows edits to be made in list views without clicking into the record itself to edit. |
Instance - A term referring to a single copy of a running program. Every customer of improveit 360 has a separate instance of the software. |
Integration - Term that refers to the bridge between two systems, allowing them to pass information between them. Example - the QuickBooks integration allows accounting users to push customer and payment information to QuickBooks, so they don’t have to manually key the information in both places. |
Interest (Lead Source) - Refers to the Product Category your Prospect is interested in, and may be found on both the Lead Source and Appointment records. |
Issue (Appointment) - A field used for Appointment reporting. "Issued" refers to an Appointment that has a result except for any of the following: Not Covered, Not Confirmed, Canceled. |
Joined (Report) – A Joined report format is complex and allows you to create a single report using multiple report types. Note: This Report format is the only one that cannot be Emailed. |
Lead Source - A lead source is how someone heard about your company. A Prospect can hear about your company multiple times in different ways. improveit360 allows you to capture multiple lead sources for a Prospect, so you can track how many times someone heard about your company. |
License - The agreement providing each individual user the right to access improveit 360. Note that licenses may not be shared, but can be transferred to grant a different employee access. |
Log A Call - An action that allows the user to record the details of a call- when who, the outcome, etc. This button exists on many records throughout improveit 360. Once completed, these appear in the Activity History section of the record the call was related to. |
Managed - Term that refers to certain aspects of improveit 360 that are not editable or customizable. Generally, this is critical functionality that is core to multiple areas of the software. |
Market Segment - Fields that allow an organization to segment records in the system. Often this is done for territories or divisions of a business. The Market Segment fields appear on the Prospect, Lead Source, and Appointment records. The Market Segment on the User record allows the system to filter Staff eligibility for certain activities, such as Appointments. |
Marketing Opportunity - A Marketing Opportunity is a reminder that you can be selling to a lead in your database. MO’s are not tasks, but rather future chances at selling products or services to current or past leads. |
Marketing Restriction - A group of criteria on the Prospect record that captures any limitations on how the Prospect may be communicated or marketed to. Examples include Not Qualified Reasons, TCPA, and Opt Out Email. |
Matrix (Report) - A report format that have a grid-like appearance and allow you to group data by both row and column. |
Merge Field - A placeholder field commonly used in emails or documents, that is replaced with specific data from the record or records being referenced. For example, the Address merge field will pull the data 123 Main Street. |
Merge Prospects - Functionality that allows the user to review Prospects that share common data such as an address, and therefore may be duplicate records. The tool allows the user to review the records side-by-side. The user may then make a judgment whether they should be combined, and which records should be the "master" or baseline record. |
Net - A Sale Status indicating that the Sale is approved. This could be an indication that the 3-day rescission period has passed, financing has been secured, or simply that the Sale is “good.” |
New (Appointment) - A type of Appointment that is used as the initial Appointment Type for this Prospect. *see also Type (Appointment) |
Not Qualified - A field on the Prospect used to track those who has been flagged so they are not marketed to. The list of reasons is customizable. Not Qualified Prospects do not have open Marketing Opportunities. |
Onboarding - The process of becoming an improveit 360 customer, including training, system setup and configuration, data conversion, etc. |
Org - Short for “organization, this term refers to your specific instance of improveit 360. Every customer of improveit 360 has a separate “org.” |
Package - A “bundle” of software code that we periodically release to all of our customers, which adds new functionality or fixes issues with existing functionality. |
Paid In Full - A Sale status indicating that all funds have been received and the customer’s financial obligation has been fulfilled. |
Picklist - A field type which allows the user to select one or more items from a drop-down list. |
Product Category - Product Categories represent the key products sold by your company. These are characterized as the high level, generic product "groupings" sold by your organization. Specific details, such as type, colors, and units of measure can be defined for each individual Product. *see also Products |
Profile (User) - A series of settings assigned to users that that provide specific access to objects and data, and what they can do within improveit 360. Profiles may be created and or customized. |
Project Activity - The steps required to complete a project within improveit 360. Project Activities have two types: Tasks or Appointments which may be assigned to specific users, and are managed with dates such as Due, Start, End, and Completed. Note: a Project Activity can only be assigned to one Staff member |
Project Template - A pre-defined set of steps (Tasks or Appointments) that need to be completed for a project of a specific type. Example: the steps may be different between a Crawlspace project versus an Egress Window project. You would have two Project Templates, one for Crawlspace and the other for Egress Window |
Project* - A Project may contain a number of steps (called Project Activities) required to complete the work. The Installation date and time as well as Foreman are some of the critical data tracked on each Project record. *see also Project Template |
Prospect - A Prospect refers to anyone in your database that you market to, past, present, or future. Think of a Prospect record like a file folder. In that file folder, you may find things like: |
Lead Source records - How you received that Prospect's information |
Marketing Opportunity records - Any attempts you’ve made to market or remarket to the Prospect |
Appointment records - Times that you’ve demoed your products or services to them |
Sale records - Purchases the Prospect has made which may be itemized pricing or a lump sum price |
Project - Work that you’ve completed for the client, who the Foreman was, when the install took place |
Prospect - A Prospect Status. When a new lead books their first Appointment with your company, their Prospect Status will automatically update from ‘Target’ to 'Prospect'. |
Queues (Campaign) - A group of people in the system that can be assigned to specific functions. Example: assigning the "Sr. Call Center Reps" Queue to the “Hot Leads” Call Campaign |
Quick Links - A section on the Home page gives you immediate access to important training material so you always have the answers to all your questions at your fingertips. This section includes links "Start Here: Search & Create", "eLearning Videos", and "Help for improveit360." |
Quote (Appointment) - A record attached to the Appointment that stores an estimate that was given to a Prospect in improveit360. It’s comprised of Quote Items, which make up an itemized price for the Prospect. Quotes are related to and attached only to the Sales Appointment. If an Appointment is resulted as Sold, the Quote and Quote Items will import to the Sale record. |
Receipts & Adjustments - Receipts are used to track any payments the Prospects makes toward their Sale and/or Project. You may apply payment amounts from two Projects on a single Sale. |
Recent Items - A tool on the home page that provides a running log of quick links to the last several records the user has viewed. |
Record - An individual "file" of information. For example, every individual Prospect, Lead Source, Marketing Opportunity, Appointment, Project, Sale, and Staff are each separate records. |
Recycle Bin - Stores any records deleted in the last 15 days. The system will store deleted records for 15 days before permanently deleting them. Use this link to restore or 'un-delete' any records that you have deleted. |
Rehash (Appointment) - A type of Appointment that is used when the Prospect has had an Appointment, but it is resulted as “Demoed Not Sold.” |
Related Lists - On the Prospect page, Related Lists will show you a historical overview of that Prospect’s relationship with your company. How many Appointments did they have? When did we close the deal? Did they purchase from you more than one time? Did they have multiple Projects and when was their Project completed? All of this information and more is visible from the Related Lists on the Prospect page. |
Report - An aggregation of data (often in a “summarized” format) that allows you to view business trends and perform calculations and algorithms in order to make business decisions. |
Report Chart - A chart can be added to any Summary, Matrix or Joined Report to provide a graphical representation of the data included in that Report. |
Report Type - A report type defines the set of records and fields available to a report based on the relationships between a primary object and its related objects. Reports display only records that meet the criteria defined in the report type. |
Reset (Appointment) - A type of Appointment. It is used when an initial appointment was scheduled but not run, so an individual re-contacted the Prospect to setup a new time for the Appointment. |
Result (Appointment) - The outcome of an Appointment. The list of Results is not customizable. |
Result Detail (Appointment) - Related to the Result of the Appointment, but this provides more detail. If the Result is what happened, the Result Detail is why. These are customizable and may change based on each Result. |
Sale - The record type which indicates an Appointment was resulted as Sold and the Prospect has signed a contract and agreed to hire your company for their home improvement needs. |
Sale Item - These are the individual products that were sold as a part of the Sale. Sale items can be created by importing a Quote into a Sale, or by adding them individually when creating or editing a Sale. |
Salesforce - The world's #1 customer relationship management (CRM) provider, and creator of the platform upon which improveit 360 is built. |
Scheduling Calendar - The tool displaying sales or production staff schedules, and the distances between their appointments. Typically used to evaluate which staff member can be assigned the Appointment, based on open times on their calendar and distances between appointments. |
Search & Create - The tool used for lead entry, allowing the User to first verify whether the Prospect already exists. |
Search (Global) - A tool that allows the user to find all records which contain or match the search term. The Global Search appears at the top of most pages within improveit 360. |
Search Nearby - On the Prospect page, this tool allows you to quickly search for Prospects within close proximity to the Prospect record you are currently on and filter by criteria like “Waterproofing Sales in the Last 90 Days” |
Section - An area within a page layout which contains a series of fields. |
Set (Appointment) - A field used for Appointment reporting, referring to an Appointment that has been scheduled. |
Settings - A tab which provides the user access to updated Product Categories, Sources, Mobile App settings and various other Administrative items. Note: The System Administrator can access more Tabs on the Settings tab |
SME/Subject Matter Expert - One or more people in your company who assists your Champion in understanding the details of a specific process, or area of your business. Often these are department heads or team leads with deep operational knowledge. |
Sold (Appointment) - An Appointment result that tells us the sales rep sold goods or services to the Prospect. This typically involves the sales rep leaving the Appointment with a signed contract. |
Source - The primary marketing effort that a specific lead should be attributed to. Examples of Sources are: 2017 Home and Garden Show, HomeAdvisor, Postcard Mailer, etc. |
Source Type (Source) - Tracks the broad category of marketing effort that the lead should be attributed to. For example: Shows and Events, Internet, Direct Mail, etc. |
Staff - Staff are people who may access your improveit 360 system (Users) or they may simply be someone you wish to email and assign to a project. A staff that does not also have a User record could be a sub-contractor. You can still send emails to Staff members, even if they are not Users in improveit 360. |
Staff Calendar - A tab in improveit 360 allowing the user to review multiple calendar items, such as Appointments, Project Activities, Events. |
Status (Sale) - A manually updated field, indicating progress of a Sale record. The five Statuses are not customizable, and are: Working, Net, Paid in Full, Final and Canceled. *see also Status Detail |
Status (Project) - A manually updated field where users may communicate progress of a Project. This picklist is customizable if you want to track different Project Statuses. |
Status Detail (Sale) - A manually updated field paired with the Sales Status, allowing the user to provide more detail of a Sale’s progress. Example - a Sale has a Status of Net, and the options for Sales Status Detail are: Pending Review, Approved, and Finance Hold. These picklist options are customizable. |
Storage (Data) - Refers to the capacity of your improveit 360 system to hold records of information. Examples are Appointments, Customers, Projects, and Tasks. This is different than File Storage, which has a separate capacity. |
Task - An assigned action that needs to be completed by yourself or another user. Tasks are easily trackable and may be related to specific records such as Appointments or Projects. |
Time Block (Appointment) - This refers to a bucket of time where Appointments can be put upon scheduling, without having to assign a Sales Rep. Typically, a Sales Manager would later access a time block from the Appointment Manager page to confirm and assign those appointments to the appropriate Sales Reps. |
Time Zone (User) - A picklist to indicate what time zone that User operates within. |
Total Price Quoted - The total price that was given to a Prospect when initially quoting them for products and/or services. This can be different than the total amount of the Sale. |
Trigger - This is a term referring to a custom automation. A trigger falls under custom development, rather than configuration. Adding Triggers to your system is a paid development service. |
Type (Appointment) - The Appointment Type indicates if this is a New Appointment, a Service Opportunity, CRM Dropoff/Pickup, an Annual Maintenance, a Rehash or Follow-up Appointment. The Appointment Types in your system are customizable. |
Type (Marketing Opportunity) – a Picklist field to indicate what type of action needs to be taken. Common Marketing Opportuntity Types are: Set Appointment, ReHash, Follow-Up and Reset. This field is customizable. |
User - Someone within your company who will have login access to your improveit 360 system. This can include an office admin, sales rep, or installer. |
View (List View) - Views are list of records that are accessible by clicking on a tab. They can be configured by individual users according to their specific needs from within each tab and are easily built by using simple filters and column settings. |
Workflow - This is a term referring to a custom automation. A workflow can be written to send an email alert, update a field value based on specified criteria, or generate a task. Unlike a trigger, a workflow is considered configuration, rather than development. Adding additional Workflows to your system is a paid service. |
Working - A Sale status that indicates we have recently signed a contract with a customer, which is still within the legal rescission period. The sale has not yet gone "Net." |