Typically, your Company Logo can be changed on the Documents Tab by simply clicking Replace Document on the Company Logo file and uploading a new image file. However, sometimes the Company Logo is embedded in an html document and must be changed within the html code.
This Article walks through how to change the logo within an html document.
See also: How To - Upload Logos and Images for use in Documents and Emails
Example A: Edit HTML for Sales Invoice document template
Step 1. Download the HTML code for your document file and paste HTML into Notepad++
(you can download this free open source software at https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ )
Navigate to the Documents Tab
The document I want to edit is in the Templates-Sale folder. Click on the Name of the document.
Next click View File
Open the file in a web browser, and Right-click
Choose "View page source" and use Ctl+A to Select All, and Copy the HTML
Paste the html code for the document into Notepad++
Step 2: Locate the Image Source Tags (<img src=) which needs to be changed
Delete all text or URLs between the quotations:
Your img src tag and alt tag should both be blank at this point:
Step 3. Copy the image URL for your company's preferred logo
Navigate to the Documents Tab and to your logo.
Right-click on your logo or image and choose "copy image address"
In the Notepad++ file, Paste the URL into the quotations for Image Source and Alt image. You will use the same URL for both links.
Next, Save your Notepad++ file as an HTML file. Be sure to select File Type of Hyper Text Markup Language. Notepad++ should show your HTML formatted like this:
Step 4. Replace the Sales Invoice document with the new HTML file
Navigate to the Documents Tab
The document I want to edit is in the Templates-Sale folder. Click on the Name of the document.
Next click Replace Document and then click Choose File
Upload your new HTML file you created from Notepad++
Next, we'll need to generate a new Sales Invoice to verify the change and see the correct logo on the Invoice document.
Step 5. Generate a new Sales Invoice to verify the change
Navigate to any Sale record in the system and click on the Print/Email button.
Click on the Printer icon next to Sales Invoice
Open the PDF and you should see your company's preferred logo: