improveit 360 has deprecated all DNC List functionality as well as Waiver Start and End dates impacting the Call Queue. The below fields are remaining from a past deprecated feature. The Prospect having a DNC Waiver Start and Waiver End dates will not prevent a Prospect from being pulled into a Call Campaign.
What was the DNC List Object that was deprecated?
DNC List object stored records inserted using a deprecated DNC Loader tool. The DNC List Object triggers matched phone numbers from the Federal DNC List to existing Prospects in the database and assigned a DNC Status based on data from the Federal registry.
If your system was created prior to Aug-2018, the Org will have a deprecated DNC List object. You will need to make this object Tab visible to the Admin in order to see any DNC List records the customer may have uploaded to this Object before it was deprecated. ANY records stored in the DNC List Object can cause issues with the Call Queue. ALL DNC List records should be DELETED.
NOTE: improveit 360 cannot Delete Data from any customer's system. When improveit 360 deprecated DNC List functionality and pushed updates to the Managed Package, improveit 360 had no way to Delete DNC List records in each customer's system. Therefore, some older improveit 360 customers could have data (records) existing within this Deprecated Object.
Note that having a Waiver Start and Waiver End date will NOT prevent the Prospect from coming into the Call Queue. However, if you see any Prospect records with this type of DNC Flag, where the Waiver is marked as Expired, this WILL prevent the Prospect from coming into the Call Queue. If you see this, there is likely a DNC List record which is populating this Data on the Prospect record and the DNC List record(s) will need to be deleted:
You will need to expose the Object Tab to the Admin Users. Navigate to the Setup menu and go to the Admin's User Profile. Go to Object Settings
Click on the DNC Lists object
Change the Tab Setting to Default On for this Profile
Next navigate to the DNC Lists Tab on the front end of the system (from the All Tabs page)
Choose the All list view and if there are ANY records in the List, you will need to let the Admin at the client's organization know they will need to Delete all records from this object.
Once the records are Deleted, you can change the Tab Setting back to Tab Hidden for the DNC List object.
DNC Fields still visible on the Prospect page
While most DNC functionality has been deprecated, there are some fields lingering on the Prospect visualforce page. These fields remain but there are no triggers populating this data. Below are details about how these fields used to be populated prior to the functionality being deprecated.
The deprecated functionality used to update the DNC Waiver information when...
New Lead Inquiry
If a Prospect makes an inquiry or submits an application to your company, you may call them up to 3 months after their submission. For example, if a Prospect sees you at a Home Show and requests someone to contact them so that they can get a free estimate, your company can call them up to 3 months after.
- Waiver Calculation: Improveit 360 will automatically set the Wavier Start to the lead source taken on date and the Waiver End to 3 months after the lead source taken on date.
Existing Business Relationship (EBR)
If a Prospect has done business with you before, which resulted in the exchange of goods or services for fee, you may contact them 18 months after their last purchase, delivery, or payment.
- Waiver Calculation: Improveit 360 will automatically set the Waiver Start to the date that the Sale is final and the Waiver End to 18 months after the Sale final date.
Qualifying Sources
Not every lead source will qualify for a DNC waiver. For example, sweepstakes forms where Prospects are not consenting to your company contacting them with marketing materials would not qualify for a waiver. To designate a Source as a source that qualifies for a waiver, you must select a checkbox on the Source screen that says ‘Qualifies for DNC Waiver’. This will ensure that all lead sources created from this source trigger a waiver for the corresponding Prospect.
Note: Because this feature has been deprecated, the Prospect above has a Waiver date range that has expired but the Prospect will still be pulled up within the Call Queue:
Additional Information
NOTE: The DNC Waiver End Date being populated can also impact the native system Trigger which creates a Marketing Opportunity when a Sale is marked Final. In order for the new Marketing Opp and Lead Source to be created when a Sale is marked Final, the DNC Waiver End date on the Prospect must be Null (blank).
DNC Functionality Deprecated
As a best practice, NONE of the DNC fields should be used. If there is data in any of the DNC fields, this can cause issues with the Call Queue, and how Marketing Opportunities are generated.
Use TCPA instead
To ensure the Prospect does not come back into the Call Queue, check the TCPA checkbox in the Marketing Restrictions section.
It is possible to automate the TCPA checkbox so that if the checkbox is True and a new Lead Source comes in for the Prospect, a Flow automation can uncheck the checkbox to ensure the Prospect is called within the Call Queue. Note: You would also want to build a Flow automation to re-check the TCPA box if the Prospect does not schedule an appointment within 90 days of the most recent Taken On date (in accordance with FCC laws).
See also: TCPA checkbox automation