A common issue that can arise in the Call Queue is an error caused by a Campaign Member with a Re-Call becoming disconnected from their related Prospect or the Marketing Opportunity. The error you will see when trying to select the Campaign within the Call Queue will look like this:
If there were Duplicate Prospects in your system and you've used the Merge Prospects tool after that Prospect was pulled up in the Call Queue, this can cause an orphaned Campaign Member. The Merge Prospects tool does delete the duplicate Marketing Opportunity and Prospect.
Also, if your staff has deleted a Marketing Opportunity manually by clicking Delete on the record, this will also cause the Campaign Member to become orphaned and the above Campaign error to occur.
This Article will cover how to locate orphaned Campaign Members and how to resolve them.
Locating and Deleting Orphaned Campaign Members
First, we'll create a List View to show you the records which have been orphaned and are causing an issue within the Call Queue. You may want to add the Campaign Name as a column in the List so you can see which Campaigns are being impacted.
The best resolution is to Delete the Campaign Member and allow them to organically fall back into a Campaign based on the lead age and Marketing Opportunity Due Date.
Navigate to the All Tabs page and go to the Campaign Members Tab.
You'll want to create a new List View for orphaned campaign members using the same criteria as the report previously created.
From the Campaign Members tab, click Create New View
Name the List "Orphaned Campaign Members" and use the following filter criteria:
- Marketing Opportunity equals Blank OR
- Prospect equals Blank
- Completed On equals Blank
Use the Filter Logic of (1 OR 2) AND 3
Next, choose the Fields which should be visible in the List View.
This List View will show you all the Uncompleted Campaign Members which have been Orphaned and which Campaigns they are impacting.
To Delete a Campaign Member, click Del next to the record from the List view:
You can Delete records one at a time using the List View.
Deleting Orphaned Campaign Members using the Salesforce Data Loader
If you have a larger number of Campaign Members which have been orphaned, you can use the Salesforce Data Loader to Delete them en masse.
First, you'll create a new Report using the Report Type of Campaign Members
Set the Filter criteria to:
- Marketing Opportunity equals Blank OR
- Prospect equals Blank
- Completed On equals Blank
Use the Filter Logic of (1 OR 2) AND 3
Be sure to Show "All campaign members" and use a Date Field of "Created Date" and a Range of "All Time" Your filters will look like this:
This Report will show you the records which have been orphaned and are causing an issue within the Call Queue. You may want to add the Campaign Name as a column in the Report so you can see which Campaigns are being impacted.
Note: Be sure to add the Campaign Member ID to the body of the Report. The record ID will be used to Delete the record using the Data Loader.
You'll use this Record ID in the mapping in the Data Loader for deletion.
Save & Run the report.
Then, Export the Report to a CSV file.
Open your file in Excel and remove the exported Report information that will appear below your data.
Once, you've deleted this erroneous information, the report should look something like this:
Save your changes.
If you've never used the Salesforce Data Loader, review this information: Download and Install Salesforce Data Loader
Use the Delete function in the Data Loader.
You'll be prompted to login. You will need to be a System Administrator to use the Data Loader. Note: If your Username and Password alone to not allow you access, you can also use your Password and the Security Token in the password field (see below screenshot). See also: How do I get a Security Token?
Once logged in, you'll select the Object in which you're trying to impact the records.
When selecting the Object, be sure to select the Campaign Member object: i361__Campaign_Member__c
Browse your computer for the report you exported as a CSV file, and Open the file using the Data Loader. The tool will indicate how many records were found in the spreadsheet.
Click Next
On the Mapping Dialog window, map the Id field to the Campaign Member ID in your spreadsheet.
This mapping will ensure that the appropriate record is deleted.
Click OK, then click Next
The tool will alert you that you will be deleting records. Click Yes, then click Finish.
When the load is complete, you will see a message with the number of successful deletions and the records which could not be deleted will be shown as Errors. The tool will save a Success file (of the records deleted) and an Error file (the records unable to be deleted). You can open the error file and re-load the deletion using the smaller file of records. Continue until all records have been deleted.
Note: You can lower the Batch Size in the Settings menu. If you run into Errors when trying to Delete, we recommend lowering your Batch Size to 5 (or fewer) records at a time.