improveit 360 offers two Search tools. First, the Search and Create tool is intended for searching to find only exact matches. If you know the exact Phone number, Name or Email address, the Search and Create tool will return the results based on Exact Matches.
The Advanced Search tool at the top of the page, or below in the left sidebar menu and can be used to search for partial text matches.
However, Address searching in Search and Create does look for an Exact Match but separates the text string of the Address field into searchable criteria. For example, when searching by "6 natoma" what the system is actually querying is any Prospect where the Address field is "like" the text "6" AND "like" the text "Natoma" but the query cannot return more than 1,000 results. If more than 1k records match this search criteria, some lines of criteria will be discarded (see below in the More about Search and Create section).
Using Search and Create to find an Address
Here is the search query for "6 Natoma"
Note: We do not recommend adding "Drive" or "Dr" (Street or St, etc) in your search criteria. If the data was entered inconsistently, the search tool may not find the customer you are looking for simply because it's looking for an exact match of "Dr" and instead your Prospect has "Drive" typed out.
While doing this search, the generated query is the following:
SELECT ID, Name,Primary_First_Name__c,Primary_Last_Name__c,Secondary_First_Name__c,Secondary_Last_Name__c,Home_Address__c,Home_City__c,Home_State__c,Home_Zip_Postal_Code__c,Phone_1__c,Phone_2__c,Phone_3__c,Phone_1_Type__c,Phone_2_Type__c,Phone_3_Type__c,DNC_Lifetime_Waiver_Phone_1__c,DNC_Lifetime_Waiver_Phone_2__c,DNC_Lifetime_Waiver_Phone_3__c,Primary_Email__c,Secondary_Email__c,Comments__c,Correspondence_Name__c,Not_Qualified_Reason__c,Not_Qualified_Check__c,OwnerID,Owner.UserRoleID,Market_Segment__c,Latitude__c,Longitude__c,Geocode_Source__c,Best_Time_to_Call__c,Communication_Type__c,CanPhone__c,CanEmail__c,CanMail__c,CanCommunicate__c
FROM Prospect__c
WHERE (Home_Address__c like '6%') AND (Home_Address__c LIKE '%natoma%')
LIMIT 1000
Using Advanced Search to find an Address
For searching Addresses, you may instead want to use the Advanced Search tool at the top of the page or in your left sidebar menu.
Note: This tool you can use an asterisk (*) to search for any partial matches. So, if you do not know if Natoma is a "Street" or "Drive" you can use this Search tool to search anything that might be a potential match.
More about the Search and Create tool when searching for partial Address information
Searching by '6 natoma dr' (exact address)
While doing this search, the generated query is the following:
SELECT ID, Name,Primary_First_Name__c,Primary_Last_Name__c,Secondary_First_Name__c,Secondary_Last_Name__c,Home_Address__c,Home_City__c,Home_State__c,Home_Zip_Postal_Code__c,Phone_1__c,Phone_2__c,Phone_3__c,Phone_1_Type__c,Phone_2_Type__c,Phone_3_Type__c,DNC_Lifetime_Waiver_Phone_1__c,DNC_Lifetime_Waiver_Phone_2__c,DNC_Lifetime_Waiver_Phone_3__c,Primary_Email__c,Secondary_Email__c,Comments__c,Correspondence_Name__c,Not_Qualified_Reason__c,Not_Qualified_Check__c,OwnerID,Owner.UserRoleID,Market_Segment__c,Latitude__c,Longitude__c,Geocode_Source__c,Best_Time_to_Call__c,Communication_Type__c,CanPhone__c,CanEmail__c,CanMail__c,CanCommunicate__c
FROM Prospect__c
WHERE (Home_Address__c like '6%') AND (Home_Address__c LIKE '%natoma%' OR Home_Address__c LIKE '%dr%' )
LIMIT 1000
This query exceed the limit of 1000 because it's taking the Home_Address__c that start witt '6' and Home_Address__c contains 'natoma' OR 'dr', in this case the results are exceeding the limit of 1k records, the expected record is excluded from result records and is not visible on the search results screen. The 1k records are filtered to 79 records.
Searching by "6 natoma drive"
While doing this search, the generated query is the following:
SELECT ID, Name,Primary_First_Name__c,Primary_Last_Name__c,Secondary_First_Name__c,Secondary_Last_Name__c,Home_Address__c,Home_City__c,Home_State__c,Home_Zip_Postal_Code__c,Phone_1__c,Phone_2__c,Phone_3__c,Phone_1_Type__c,Phone_2_Type__c,Phone_3_Type__c,DNC_Lifetime_Waiver_Phone_1__c,DNC_Lifetime_Waiver_Phone_2__c,DNC_Lifetime_Waiver_Phone_3__c,Primary_Email__c,Secondary_Email__c,Comments__c,Correspondence_Name__c,Not_Qualified_Reason__c,Not_Qualified_Check__c,OwnerID,Owner.UserRoleID,Market_Segment__c,Latitude__c,Longitude__c,Geocode_Source__c,Best_Time_to_Call__c,Communication_Type__c,CanPhone__c,CanEmail__c,CanMail__c,CanCommunicate__c
FROM Prospect__c
WHERE (Home_Address__c like '6%') AND (Home_Address__c LIKE '%natoma%' OR Home_Address__c LIKE '%drive%' )
LIMIT 1000
In this example, the last condition (LIKE '%drive%') adds too many results because so many Prospects have "drive" in their address field. Because this criterion is causing the query results to exceed 1k records, we are taking only the first two lines of criterion. The query results will display only records that start with 6 and contain 'natoma' and disregard the criterion for 'drive' so the results will not exceed the limit of 1k records and after processing results, the expected result is visible there.