User can Login but cannot see any Tabs, or the Sidebar menu. User may see the following Error displayed: i360:DML currently not allowed
One of three (3) issues can cause this error:
1) The user record and the staff record are not linked.
2) There are no Permission Sets assigned to the user record.
3) There is Object Security setup on the Staff object, and the Staff member is not the Owner of their own Staff record.
Resolution Steps:
1. If you have Staff/User duplication, See also: Troubleshooting Duplicate Staff records
2. If there are no Permission Sets assigned to the User follow these steps:
Navigate to the staff record, and Edit. Use the lookup icon to locate and select the active User. Once the Active User is selected, Save the staff record.
If this does not resolve the issue follow these steps:
Navigate to Setup > Manage Users > Users, then select the user with the error.
Scroll to Permission Set Assignments, and add the Minimum Access permission set:
3. If Staff members should only see their own Staff records and the Owner of the Staff record needs to be changed so the Staff member owner their own record, follow these steps:
We must add the Owner field to the Page Layout and change the page being displayed from improveit 360's Visualforce page, to the Standard Salesforce Page.
Navigate to Setup > Objects > Staff
Click Edit next to the Page Layout you are using. If you are not sure which Page Layout is being used, click Page Layout Assignments to see which Page Layout is assigned to each Profile.
Drag and drop the Owner field into the Page Layout
Next, you'll need to change the page which loads for the Staff object when a record is Viewed. From the Staff object, hover over the Buttons, Links and Actions menu and click Edit next to the View page option.
You'll need to change the View page to display the Standard page
Save this change.
Once you have exposed the Owner field on the Staff page, look for the Owner field and click Change.
Note: If you find that your team is regularly adding Staff and needing to change the Owner of the record, improveit 360 can automate the Owner change, when the User is Activated. If you are interested in this customization, it is a $250 one-time fee. Reach out to our team if you'd like to take advantage of the automation.