Working Marketing Opportunities can be done in multiple ways in different sections of the system.
The most important aspect of Marketing Opportunities is working your Due opportunities and making sure to create follow up actions.
Let's review the best ways to use Marketing Opportunities and make sure that no Prospect slips through the cracks.
Home Page
Your home page is the best place to work and review your Marketing Opportunities. Whenever you are assigned a Marketing Opportunity it will appear in the My Opps tile on your homepage when it becomes due.
Note: Some companies do not Assign Marketing Opportunities and will instruct their staff to use the Recently Due tile. Recently Due will display all of the Marketing Opportunities due for your company in the last 3 days that are not completed. This will include Assigned and Unassigned Marketing Opportunities.
- When your My Opps tile is showing a number, click on the tile and a list of your assigned Marketing Opportunities will appear in a separate window. Click on the Marketing Opportunity name in the window and the Marketing Opportunity will open up in a separate page.
- Use the box in the upper right hand corner of the screen to see all of the Prospect's contact information. Contact the Prospect and use the Create New button to take a next step.
If the Prospect...
- Is ready to meet with one of your Sales Reps > click Create New and choose Appointment. This will take you directly to the new Appointment page.
- Is ready to sign the contract proposed in an earlier Appointment > click Create New and choose Sale. This will take you directly to the new Sale page.
- Is not ready to schedule an Appointment yet but would like to be contacted again in the future> click Create New and select Marketing Opportunity [see below]. Set the next Marketing Opportunity to the Due Date when the Prospect should be called again. This ensures the Prospect does not pop up in the Recently Due list until the new Due Date.
Important fields to complete when creating a new Marketing Opportunity:
Assigned To
- Click the magnifying glass lookup field button and select the user you would like to complete this Marketing Opportunity.
Due Date
- Select the date you would like the Marketing Opportunity to appear on the home page of the user assigned.
- Being as thorough as possible when adding comments is the industry best practice. This will ensure when you or any other user follows up on the Marketing Opportunity, you/they will know exactly what was said and what the next steps are.
New Lead won't close Opportunity
- Check this box to ensure that this Marketing Opportunity will NOT be closed if a new Lead Source is created for this Prospect. Marketing Opps are automatically generated the same time that Lead Sources are created. Any new Lead Source will automatically close an open Marketing Opportunity and create a new one IF this box is not checked.
- Check this box to ensure that this Marketing Opportunity will NOT be closed if a new Lead Source is created for this Prospect. Marketing Opps are automatically generated the same time that Lead Sources are created. Any new Lead Source will automatically close an open Marketing Opportunity and create a new one IF this box is not checked.