- Type – This dropdown gives you quick visibility into the reason for this Opportunity.
- 'Set Appointment': This defaults to 'Set Appointment', meaning this Opportunity is intended to be used to call a Prospect and set them for an Appointment.
- 'Follow-Up Appointment': If a Marketing Opportunity is created as the result of an Appointment, the Type will be automatically set to Follow-up Appointment [if the appointment was resulted as Follow-Up].
- 'Rehash Appointment': Rehash Appointment [if the appointment is resulted as Demoed, Not Sold].
- Type Detail – The 'Type Detail' dropdown on the Marketing Opportunity page can be used to provide more information about the reason for the opportunity, such as a 'call back' or 'follow-up'.
- Assigned To – Fill in the user who will be responsible for completing this opportunity. Assigning Marketing Opportunities is VERY important to ensure visibility and accountability. A Marketing Opportunity appears on a user’s homepage when the due date arrives.
- Due Date – The date the Marketing Opportunity must be completed and the day it appears once the homepage of the user assigned.
- Remember, DO NOT assign a Marketing Opportunity to a staff member who cannot login to the system.
- Comments – Use this section to add any notes or important information about the attempt to schedule the Prospect.
- Remember: the more information the better! The comments are used to store and communicate where you left off with this Prospect, so make sure to leave yourself and your colleagues as much information as possible.
- Taken On - The date the Prospect's information was collected, derived from he 'Taken On' field on the Prospect's Lead Source page.
- Taker - The user who took down the Prospect's information, derived from the 'Taker' field on the Prospect's Lead Source page.
- Previous Appointment - The link and name of the Appointment this Marketing Opportunity was derived from. This link can be used as a quick reference to the purpose of the Opportunity.
- If there is no link, the Marketing Opportunity was not created from an Appointment.
- Interested In - The Product Category the Prospect is interested in purchasing. This field is pulled from the Product Category entered on the Prospect's Lead Source page.
- Marketing Information - Holds the address and the primary communication type for this Prospect[denoting the best way to contact the prospect].
- Create New - this button is used to complete and move forward with a marketing opportunity. Whenever a 'next step' is required, whether it be to create a new marketing opportunity to remind you to reach out in a few weeks/month or to schedule an Appointment for the client, click Create New and select Lead Source, Appointment, Sale or Marketing Opportunity.
- Marketing Restrictions - This important section holds any and all restriction on the methods you can contact this Prospect.
- Keep a close eye on the 'Can Contact by' field, this will tell you if you can contact the Prospect via phone, email, mail or any variance of those options.
- Demographic Information - Additional Information pulled from the Prospect page in regards to the Prospect's home such as the year the home was built and the household income.
- Completion Information - This section automatically records the date the Marketing Opportunity was completed, the user who completed and the reason it was completed.
- Note: NEVER click Edit and manually fill in the completed date or completed reason. This will close the Marketing Opportunity and NO follow up action will be created. The system will automatically fill in this information when you click Create New and take a next step.
- System Information - This section, on every page in the system records the User who created the record, the date/time it was created and the last User who changed something on the page.
- Activity History - This section keeps a log of all completed tasks, logged phone calls and past events.
- Notes & Attachments - Available on all pages in improveit 360, use this section to add quick text notes or attach a file from your computer. Most commonly used to attach pictures, contracts and designs.
- Marketing Opportunity History - Available on all pages in improveit 360, this section will record any change to the specific page and the user who made the change. This includes the date and user who created the page and every change made on the page. This is a valuable tool in holding users accountable for any changes and to answer any questions of, who changed this?