The QuickBooks desktop Sync tool is a one-way push from improveit 360 to QuickBooks desktop.
NOTE: Data does NOT get updated in improveit 360 if changes are made to QuickBooks.
A list of fields and their respective mapping from improveit 360 to QuickBooks.
When configuring the improveit 360 to QuickBooks tool, you must select an Accounts Receivable and Income Account to sync your Invoices and Payments. Here is a quick breakdown:
WARNING: Using 'Force all data to be re-imported' will cause Customer and Invoice duplication in QuickBooks! It is only recommended to use this checkbox if you are importing all data to an empty QuickBooks environment.
Note: If there is no Received On date entered on the Receipt and Adjustment in improveit 360, the record will not be synced to QuickBooks until a Received On date is entered. If your company uses the PaySimple Integration, the Received On date is entered when the PaySimple payment status is updated to "Settled" or "Approved".