Which improveit 360 records are Sync’d to QuickBooks Online?
Prospects – A QuickBooks Customer record is created for Prospects with a Status of Customer that meet the following Criteria:
- the QB List ID in improveit 360 on Prospect record is Blank
- the Prospect must have at least one related Sale which meets the following criteria: The Prospect’s Sale(s) cannot be Canceled, and the Created Date of the Sale must be on or after the Sync After Date specified in the QB Sync Tool.
- The User performing the Sync will select a Market Segment in the Sync tool. Prospect’s Market Segment must match the User’s selection. If no Market Segment is selected, All Market Segments will be Sync’d.
Products – All Products will sync when the QB List ID is blank. If you do not want the Product to sync to QuickBooks, type any character into the QB List ID field.
Sales – Sales will be created as a QuickBooks Invoice when the Sale meets the following Criteria:
- QB List ID is blank
- Customer QB List ID is not Blank
- the Sale has a related Appointment
- the Sale status is not Canceled
- the Created Date (NOT the Sold On Date) of the Sale is "On or After" the Sync Date in the QB Tool
- the Market Segment selection matches the User’s selection.
Note: The QB Sync Tool does not consider the Sold On date or the Net On date of the Sale. The tool looks only at the Created Date of the Sale record.
Receipt - QB List ID is blank, Customer QB List ID and Sale List ID are not Blank. The related Sale is not Canceled. And the Created Date of the Sale is on or After the Sync date in the QB Tool.
Is QuickBooks Online compatible with a Mac OS?
QuickBooks Online is a web based application and only requires that your computer have the recommended web browser application, regardless of operating system.
The fields on the Quickbooks Online Tab were populated but disappeared. Is there anyway to Save our credentials?
If the tool cannot find a valid login token for the current user, then no fields will be shown. The User will have to re-login to QuickBooks in order to grant access to the tool.
It looks like the QuickBooksOnlineIntegration Tab records a log of the recent sync. We ran the Sync a couple times but there was only a single Sync record. Is there a log of previous sync activity?
The system does not store the Sync history. This one Sync record will contain information about the most recent Sync.
The Bank Account field listed on both tabs, How does this work?
The Bank Account picklist values are from your connected QuickBooks company. Any active banking accounts (where the Type in QuickBooks is “Bank”) will be displayed in the Bank Account picklist.
For example, in our QuickBooks instance, we have two active bank accounts (35: Checking, 36: Saving). If I choose Checking and start the synchronization, then the Bank Account field on the QuickBooksOnlineIntegration record will be 35 (35 being the ID of the Checking Account in QuickBooks).
We chose a specific Income Account from the picklist on QuickBooks Online tab prior to running the sync. After running the Sync the Income Account field on the QuickBooksOnlineIntegration tab was populated with “75.” What does that value mean?
“75” is the ID for that Income Account in QuickBooks. Income Accounts need to be Active and have a Type in QuickBooks of “Income”.
How or when is the Refund Product field used?
It is used to push any improveit 360 Receipt or Adjustment with a negative dollar amount. Be sure you have created a List Item in QuickBooks that matches the Refund Product. The QB List Item should be linked to a Bank Account. The Refund Product is used as the Line Item on the Refund Receipt which can then be issued as a Refund check from QuickBooks.
After running the sync, the Refund Product field on the QuickBooksOnlineIntegration tab was populated with “3.” What does that value mean?
“3” is the ID of the Product on the Refund Receipt. As a system best practice, you may want to setup one dedicated List Item in QuickBooks for Refunds. Creating a “Refund” product List Item will insure the Refund is issued from your desired Bank Account.
Is this a one-way Sync? There are two fields on the QuickBooksOnlineIntegration tab that indicate importing from Quickbooks. How do those fields work?
It is not configured to perform a two-way sync. This area of the application was designed for “future functionality” and has not been thoroughly developed.
I heard there may be a feature around Importing Project Costs from Quickbooks? Is that available?
You may have noticed some Custom Settings around Importing Data from QuickBooks to improveit 360. Those Custom Settings are intended for “future functionality” of importing data from Quickbooks. Importing Data from QuickBooks to improveit 360 has not been fully developed or tested. We do not advise turning on these Custom Settings around Importing data from QuickBooks, at this time.
Does Sale Status affect the sync?
Only if the Sale is Canceled. Canceled Sales will not sync. We only sync sales which meet the following criteria:
- Has a valid customer QB ID
- Has an appointment
- Status is Not Canceled
- Has the same market segment as the User’s selection on the Quickbooks Online Integration tab (if it is none, then all market segments will sync)
Is a Receipt &Adjustment record required for a Sale to sync?
No, it is not. The Tool looks at the Created Date of the Sale record. Double-check the Created Date of the Sale and be sure it falls in the timeframe of your Sync “On or After” Date in the Tool.
Does the Receipt & Adjustment amount being negative or positive affect the sync?
Yes, if the Receipt and Adjustment amount is negative, QB creates a Refund Receipt, rather than a Payment record in QuickBooks.
Does the Sum of our Sale Items Total override the Sold Price in QB? We used the “Edit Sold Price” to override the Sold Price in improveit 360. Does QuickBooks only use the Sum of Sale Items Total? Is there anyway to push over the overridden Sold Price?
The QuickBooks Invoice total is the Sum of All Sale Items. Please refer to the field mapping pdf. Using the ‘Edit Sold Price’ checkbox in improveit 360 is not advised when using the QB Sync tool.
If we Edit a Sale record and change the Sale Items can these changes update the Quickbooks Invoice? We attempted to "correct" a Sale and rerun the sync but the Sale Items did not change.
No. You will need to delete the QB list id on that sale record in improveit 360 AND delete the Invoice in QuickBooks, then perform the sync again. This will create a new Invoice in Quickbook with the corrected Sale Items and amount. Be sure to delete the previous Invoice to prevent duplicates.
Is the “Clear Connection” button only used for multiple Market Segments?
Clear connection is used for many reasons, syncing multiple Market Segments is one reason. You can think of this like a “Logout” button. Clearing the connection requires that the User re-login. If a QB username changes you would want to Clear Connection and establish a new one.
What is the “Submit for Approval” button, "Clone" button and "Edit or Delete" used for, and why/when should we use it?
This is a standard Salesforce button and is not used. You can remove it from the Page Layout if it causes confusion to your Users.
When syncing, the yellow bar at the top of the page “Syncing with QBO” doesn’t seem to go away, even after several minutes. Is it safe to navigate away once the sync has initiated?
Yes. There are Sync jobs running in the background. You can return to this page again later to see the Sync Detail info but there is no need to remain on this page as the Sync runs.
How do we identify records that meet the criteria but failed to Sync?
Any failed Record Type and its Salesforce record ID will be shown on Synchronization Detail.
Would using the PaySimple Integration cause any issues we should know about related to the QuickBooks sync?
If there is no Received On date entered on the Receipt and Adjustment in improveit 360, the record will not be synced to QuickBooks until a Received On date is entered. If your company uses the PaySimple Integration, the Received On date is entered when the PaySimple payment status is updated to "Settled" or "Approved".