Your desktop improveit 360 Users may want to use a Drag-and-Drop tool to upload multiple Attachments at one time. A custom Formula Hyperlink Field can be added to any Object where multiple Attachment upload is desired. Only the System Administrator User will be able to create this Field and add it to the page.
Download the Drag, Drop and Upload Salesforce Files App from the AppExchange:
Update 1/2/2023: This is no longer a Free app - i360 Customers will need to pay to install
Be sure to Install for All Users who need multiple Attachment Upload capability.
Go to Setup
Create > Objects
Select the desired Object, for this example, we'll choose the Appointment object
Under the Custom Fields and Relationships menu, click the New button
Create a Formula Field with an output type of Text
Name the Field: Attachment Upload Link
In this example, the Formula is on the Appointment Object:
HYPERLINK("apex/DragDropAttach__AttachFiles?recordid="&Id&"&recordname="&Name&"&recordtype=Appointment", "Link","_self")
NOTE: You will need to change the record type referenced in the Formula above if you are trying to add this Link to the Prospect, Sale, Project or other improveit 360 Objects.
Save the new Field
Now you'll need to add the Field to a Field Set.
See also: How To Add Fields to a Field Set