If a duplicate Field exists on any Object, you may see Trigger Errors or System Query Exception Errors.
Here are examples of these error messages:
i360.SaleTriggers: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.QueryException: duplicate field selected: i360__Referred_By__c (i360)
Change the Field Label or Delete the Field
Only System Administrator Users will be able to make this change.
Navigate to the Setup menu. Click on your Username in the upper-right corner of your improveit 360 page. Clicking on your Username will expose a dropdown menu. Here you will find the Setup menu:
From the Setup menu, use the Quick Find search bar and search the word Objects
Click on the Objects menu and go to the Object where the duplicated field resides. In this example, it is the Prospect object.
In the Custom Fields and Relationships menu, locate the duplicate Field.
Note: the duplicated Field with the Red "X" can simply be deleted.
Be sure to run First Time Setup after you have deleted the Field.
If the duplicated Field cannot be Deleted, you will need to Edit the Field Label and API Name of the Editable Field (which would be your original Field).
Note: You do not need to Edit the Field Label, just the Field Name. You can simply add an "_1" to the end of the Field Label to make the Field unique. (see below)
Save your changes.
Run First Time Setup