This video in our Admin series covers the difference between building a Formula within a summarized Report, and building a Formula Field on the Object. There are use-cases for both types of Formulas within improveit 360. An example we will use is calculating the percent collected on each Sale.
NOTE: if you are using the Supportworks package or the Products and Materials package, you will likely want to use a different formula for Collected %. See below for the differences in this formula.
Two different Formulas for Collected %. Read carefully, be sure to copy the one appropriate to your business.
- Formula to use if creating Collected % field on the Sale object (Enterprise package):
IF ( i360__Balance_Due__c =0,1, ( i360__Total_Receipts__c / i360__Sold_Price__c ))
- Formula to use if creating Collected % field on the Project object (Supportworks package only):
IF ( supportworks__Project_Balance__c=0,1, ( supportworks__Receipts_Adjustment_Total__c/ supportworks__Total_Sale_Items__c ))