When a new eLead is inserted, the Product Category information from the eLead is reflected on the Lead Source record, as well as the Vendor Account record. The following error occurs when the Account's Product Categories field has too many characters. Follow along with this Article to resolve this issue.
i360.eLeadTriggers: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0011I00000TChIrQAL; first error: TOO_MANY_ENUM_VALUE, Product Categories: too many items selected: 101: [i360__Components__c] (i360)
Let's review the payload when an eLead in inserted:
The Components data is what populates the Lead Source record Interested In, we well as the Product Categories field on the Account page. Each unique Product Category value from the related eLeads will be inserted. For example: "Roof" and "Roofs" are considered two different values, as are "Bath" and "Baths." To prevent duplication of Product Categories, or erroneous Product Categories, be sure your eLead providers are sending Product Category values which are consistent with your system.
Next, let's review where this data is received in improveit 360:
Open the eLead record and you will immediately see the Vendor account associate to the eLead:
You can click on the Vendor name to open the Account page.
Next, let's scroll down to locate the Lead Source record associated to this eLead:
Click on the Lead Source name to open the record.
Here you will see the Vendor account again, as well as the Product Categories in the Interested In section:
Check the Account record for too many Product Category values
Click on the Vendor Account name from either the eLead or the Lead Source record. (You can also access Vendors by going to the Accounts Tab from the All Tabs page)
Look for the Product Categories field.
The Product Category field on the Account is updated with each unique Product Category value from the eLeads inserted by your Lead Providers. For example: "Roof" and "Roofs" are considered two different values, as are "Bath" and "Baths."
To prevent duplication of Product Categories, or erroneous Product Categories from being inserted, be sure your eLead providers are sending Product Category values which are consistent with your system, and consistent with your other eLead Providers. Let your lead providers know they cannot send ANY data they like into this field (you can share the link to this Article for your eLead providers to reference).
To alleviate the error shown, remove values from the Product Categories field on the Vendor Account.
i360.eLeadTriggers: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0011I00000TChIrQAL; first error: TOO_MANY_ENUM_VALUE, Product Categories: too many items selected: 101: [i360__Components__c] (i360)
Once you have deleted duplicate values from the Product Categories field on the Account page and ensured that your lead providers are only sending consistent values which match the values in the Product Categories field, this error will be resolved permanently.
Check the Lead Source object for Inactive Product Category values
If you base any of your Call Campaigns on the Lead Source Interested In field, you may need to Activate values that have been inserted from an eLead record, allowing your Call Center to use those Values in Campaign Filter Criteria.
For example: If our lead provider inserted a Lead Source with an Interested in value of "Baths" but our Campaign Filter Criteria is looking for Interested In 'EQUALS' "Bath", those leads would not be pulled into the Campaign, because the values are not equal.
Navigate to the Setup menu
Go to the Objects menu
Choose the Lead Source object
In the Custom Fields and Relationships section, locate the Interested In field and click on the Field name
In the Values section, you will see the Active values which can be selected when setting up a Call Campaign.
In the Inactive Values section you will see values that have been inserted via eLeads. If there are Values you need to be able to Filter on in Campaigns, click the Activate option next to the Value.
This change will take effect immediately. You can then adjust your Campaign Filter Criteria and set the appropriate Values within the Campaign settings.