If you decide that a Campaign is no longer useful, it was created in error, or you simply want to get rid of it, the process to properly handle the existing Marketing Opportunities and Re-Calls within the Campaign is known as 'Retiring' a Campaign.
Note: You may also use this process to Release Campaign Members from this Campaign.
Keep in mind: any Re-Calls that are re-assigned to a different Campaign, will maintain the Re-Call Settings from the original Campaign.
For example: if there was no Auto-Release Call Limit on the original Campaign, re-assigning the Re-Call to a different Campaign means it will never reach a Call Limit because the original Campaign setting was set to never release the Re-Call. For this reason, it is often better to Release them than re-assign the Re-calls.
Following this process is critical in ensuring that the existing Marketing Opportunities and Re-Calls are released or reassigned to another Campaign as well as maintaining the critical data for reporting purposes.
NOTE: Never delete a Campaign that has existing Marketing Opportunities/Campaign Members and/or pending Re-Calls.
Retiring a Campaign
- Click on the Campaign tab. Click on the Campaign you would like to Retire.
- Click 'Retire':
- The next screen will prompt you to take actions on two items:
1. Remove uncalled Prospects - Click the 'Remove' button to release any uncalled Marketing Opportunity from the Campaign. No changes will be made the Marketing Opportunities that are removed from the Campaign:
A pop up will display confirming that you want to remove all uncalled Prospects, click 'OK':
2. Resolve pending Re-Calls - this section allows you to take action on any pending Re-Call in this Campaign based on the 'Re-Call Reason'. Click the 'View by Re-Call Reason' and select a 'Reason':
Click the checkboxes next to each Re-Call you would like to take action on. Click the checkbox next to 'Campaign Member' to select all:
Click 'Mark as complete' to complete the Re-Call and release the Marketing Opportunity out of the Campaign. NOTE: completing a schedule Re-Call will prevent your Users from taking action on the Re-Call. Once complete the Marketing Opportunity will be pulled into another Campaign and will be called fresh.
Click 'Move to another campaign' to send the Re-Calls to another active Campaign. This is the best practice to ensure none of the Re-Call information is lost and the Prospect is called back according to the Re-Call times set in the previous Campaign:
Click the 'Assign to campaign' dropdown and select the Campaign you would like to send the Re-Calls to:
Click the 'Reassign' button to move all of the selected Re-Calls to the selected Campaign:
Once the Re-Calls are reassigned, you will notice the 'Total pending Re-Calls' number decrease. Repeat this process for all of the Re-Calls still in the Campaign:
Once all of the uncalled Prospects and Re-Calls have been removed from the Campaign, click the 'Retire' button to complete the process:
Click 'OK':
Once retired, the Campaign will no longer be accessible to your Users via the Call Queue but all historical data will be preserved for reporting purposes.