This article contains instructions on how-to:
- Unlocking Campaign Members
- Changing Re-Call Assignments
- Clearing Re-Call Assignments
A Campaign Member is a record created when a Marketing Opportunity is pulled up in the Call Queue that stores all of the important information pertaining to the date/time the Marketing Opportunity was called, who called and dispositioned the Marketing Opportunity, the status and the date/time the Re-Call is scheduled to be called back.
Campaign Member records are very important for reporting purposes and can be used to see your 'Pipeline' of upcoming Re-Calls.
From the Campaign Members Tab, click the view dropdown on the Campaign Members page and to review the data you can view via out-of-the-box improveit 360 List Views:
All Assigned Callbacks - select this view to see a complete list of all of the Re-Calls in your system that are assigned to specific Users.
All Assigned Future Callbacks - select this view to see a complete list of all of the Re-Calls in your system that are assigned to specific Users that are scheduled to be called in the future.
All Callbacks - select this view to see a complete list of all of the Re-Calls in your system.
All Callbacks Due but not Done - select this view to see a complete list of all of the Re-Calls in your system that due but not complete.
All Locked Records - select this view to see a complete list of all of the Campaign Members in your system in the status of 'Locked'. A Campaign Member becomes 'Locked' when their Marketing Opportunity is brought up in the Call Queue, not actioned and left on the screen. 'Locking' a Campaign Member ensures that the same Marketing Opportunity does not get pulled into the Call Queue by more than one User.
All Unassigned Future Callbacks - select this view to see a complete list of all of the Re-Calls in your system that are not assigned to specific Users that are scheduled to be called in the future.
Today's Completed Callbacks - select this view to see a list of all of Re-Calls completed in your system today.
Unlocking Campaign Members
The system automatically unlocks Campaign Members once they are dispositioned but in the event that a Campaign Member is locked by a User and left up on the screen you can use the Campaign Members tab to manually unlock them.
- Click on the 'All Locked Records' view:
- Select the Campaign Members you would like to unlock by click the checkbox next to each record. Once all the records are selected, click 'Unlock':
- Once the records are unlocked, a pop up window will display, click 'Ok':
Changing Re-Call Assignments
If your Campaigns are setup to assign Re-Calls to specific Users, you can use the Campaign Member tab to reassign Re-Calls from User to User. On the Campaign Member tab, click on the 'All Assigned Callbacks' view.
Select the Campaign Members you would like to reassign by clicking the checkbox next to each record. Once selected, click the 'Change Re-Call Assignment' button:
A pop-up box will open, click the magnifying glass to select a User to assign the selected Re-Calls to. Click on the user you would like to reassign the selected Re-Calls to. Select the User, and click 'Save'.
Notice that the Campaign Members selected 'Re-Call Assigned To' has updated to the User you selected:
Clearing Re-Call Assignments
If your Campaigns are setup to assign Re-Calls to specific Users and you would like to clear the assignments so any User can access the Re-Calls, click on the 'All Assigned Callbacks' view. Select the Campaign Members you would like to make available to all of your Users by clicking the checkbox next to each record. Once selected, click the 'Clear Re-Call Assignment' button:
The Re-Calls will be unassigned from the User and a pop-up will appear confirming the action has been completed, click 'Ok':
Notice that the Re-Calls selected are no longer in the 'All Assigned Callbacks' view: