The Staff page holds all of the important information pertaining to your employees and production subcontractors. See also: Creating New Staff and Activating the User
The majority of the fields on the page are not required but can be used to store important information about this Staff member. Let's review all of the fields and functions on the page.
Edit - click the Edit button to change any of the information on the page.
Delete - click Delete to complete one of the following tasks:
- Merge the Staff record with another duplicate record [this method will merge any information attached to the Staff record].
- Add an 'End Date' to the Staff record to mark the employee no longer works for your company.
- Completely Delete the Staff member. If any records are attached to the Staff record the system will not allow you to delete the Staff until the information is merged.
Add Time Unavailable - click this button to add an event to the Staff members calendar marking them as unavailable or out of the office.
Print / Email - use this button to send a quick email to the Staff member.
Staff Name - The full first and last name of the employee. This is the name Users will select when assigning Sales Appointments and Project Activity Appointments and Tasks.
Position Title - the title the Staff members holds at your company.
Employment Type - the status of this Staff employment:
- Permanent, Full-Time
- Permanent, Part-Time
- Contractor
- Temporary
Start - the date the employee began working for your company.
End - the date the employee stopped working for your company. [adding an end date is best practice when a Staff member stops working for you]
Market Segment - the Market Segment the Staff member is assigned to. This will ensure that the Staff member is only assigned to records in the Market Segment they are assigned. [Assign a Market Segment to a Staff member on their 'User' record for both active and inactive users].
Score - enter a number from 0 - 100 on the Staff record to sort your Sales Reps on the Scheduling Calendar. Reps will be sorted highest to lowest Score (Descending). Note: Sorting the Calendar by Staff Score must be activated by your admin. See also: Calendar Preferences - Sort Staff Calendar by Staff Score
User - the user record associated with this Staff member:
- If this Staff member is an active user [can login to your system] make sure their active user record is assigned to their Staff record. This is an important step to ensure the user does not experience any issues when logging into the system.
- If this Staff member is an inactive user [cannot login to your system] their Staff record will tied to their User record. The User record will however NOT be active.
Date of Birth - the birthday of the Staff member used for historical records.
Social Security Number - The Staff members Social Security number.
- NOTE: before adding this sensitive information make sure that any user you DO NOT want to see this information does not have access to the Staff tab.
Company Name - the name of the company the Staff works for, most commonly used for subcontractors or employees of other organizations.
Federal Tax ID - the Staff members tax id, most commonly used for subcontractors or employees of other organizations.
Calendar Color - the color the Staff will appear in on the Staff Calendar. This is a common setting to set during your deployment and onboarding phase. Make sure the colors of your Staff are set appropriately so you can easily distinguish in between your Staff members on the calendar.
Sales Capabilities - the Product Category[ies] this Staff member is qualified to sell for your company.
- NOTE: setting Sales Capabilities for your sales reps will allow them to be scheduled for Appointments. and appear on the calendar. If you do not set Sales Capabilities, the Staff will NOT appear on the calendar and they will not be available to be scheduled for Appointments.
Project Capabilities - the Product Category[ies] this Staff member is qualified to work with on a Project.
- NOTE: setting Project Capabilities for your installers and technicians will allow them to be scheduled for Project Activities and appear on the calendar. If you do not set Project Capabilities, the Staff will NOT appear on the calendar and they will not be available to be scheduled for Project Activities.
Service Capabilities - the Product Category[ies] this Staff member is qualified to service on a Project.
Training and Certification - use this to record this Staff members certification information if he/she is a certified renovator.
Address & Contact Information - use this section to record this Staff members address and contact information.
- NOTE: none of the fields in this section are required BUT the email address is used by the system to send Appointment notification emails. Make sure to place a valid email address in the 'Email' field.
- Email - make sure to enter the Staff Member's email address if you would like them to receive automated Appointment emails.
- Exclude from Automated Email - check this box if you would like to track the Staff Member's email address but you do NOT want them to receive any automated emails.
- Address - the Staff member's Address can be used to calculate distance from the Staff address to the first Appointment of the Day. Distance to Next Appointment* can be displayed on the Staff Calendar (*United States only, Canadian Distance to Next Appointment is not currently supported).
License & Insurance Information - this section is used to track driver's license information and insurance information for your historical records.
System Information - This section, on every page in the system, records the User who created the record, the date/time it was created and the last User who changed something on the page.
Related List - this section will display all of the records the Staff member is assigned to in your system. This is the information that will be merged to another Staff member if this Staff member is a duplicate.
See also: Creating New Staff and Activating the User
Here is the Edit Staff page: