1) Campaign Name - the unique name of the Campaign. It is a best practice to make the name easily identifiable so your Telemarketers understand the exact goal of the Campaign such as 'Fresh Leads' or 'Past Customers'.
2) Start Date - the date the Campaign will become available for your Telemarketers to access via the Call Queue.
3) Type - the default method used to contact your Prospects. This field defaults to 'Phone'.
4) Retired Date - the date when this Campaign was retired from duty. This date is automatically filled in when the Campaign is retired.
5) Update Method - the way in which this Campaign pulls in more Marketing Opportunities. The two options are:
Continuous - this Update Method will continually pull in Marketing Opportunities that meet the criteria set. This is the most common Update Method used within improveit 360 as it requires no manual updating. Due to the fact that this method continually searches your system for Marketing Opportunities that meet the criteria, it is very important to ensure that the criteria in all of your Campaigns do not overlap. If one Marketing Opportunity qualifies for two campaigns the Marketing Opportunity will get pulled into whichever Campaign grabs it first.
- Manual - this Update Method requires you to click the 'Update' button on the Campaign to pull in qualified Marketing Opportunities. Unlike the Continuous method, the Manual Update Method does NOT automatically pull in Marketing Opportunities. This method is most commonly used for Campaigns that will only be used for a short while focusing on specific Marketing Opportunities such as Prospects gathered from a Home Show or other Events.
6) Description - a short explanation of the Campaign.
7) Assign To - the User or Queue assigned to this Campaign. This is the method of granting access to your Campaigns. Only the User or Queue [group of Users] assigned to this Campaign can access the Campaign in the Call Queue.
8) Last Modified By - the name of the User who last made a change to the Campaign.
9) Created By - the name of the User who created the Campaign.
10) 'Assign to me' is User Editable - check this box to allow your Telemarketers to choose whether or not the Re-Call is exclusively assigned to them. If a Re-Call is assigned to a User, ONLY that User can access the Re-Call in the Call Queue. For example, if a Re-Call was assigned to a User and that User was out of the office when the Re-Call became due, the Re-Call would not be made as it would not be accessible by any other User.
11) 'Assign to me' is selected by Default - check this box if you would like all Re-Calls in this Campaign to be assigned to the User who dispositions the first attempt by default. Most Users choose to have all Re-Calls unassigned so the next available Telemarketer in the Call Queue has a chance to take action.
12) Re-Call Duration - Busy Signal - the default time that will elapse before a Marketing Opportunity dispositioned as 'Busy Signal' will be available to Re-Call in the Call Queue. It is a best practice to set this default time to a very low amount such as 5 minutes as a busy signal indicates that the home owner is actively using their phone.
13) Re-Call Duration - No Answer - the default time that will elapse before a Marketing Opportunity dispositioned as 'No Answer' will be available to Re-Call in the Call Queue.
14) Re-Call Duration - Left Message - the default time that will elapse before a Marketing Opportunity dispositioned as 'Left Message' will be available to Re-Call in the Call Queue.
15) Re-Call Duration - Return Call Later - the default time that will elapse before a Marketing Opportunity dispositioned as 'Return Call Later' will be available to Re-Call in the Call Queue.
16) Marketing Opportunity 'Type' - the default Type of Marketing Opportunity created when a Telemarketer dispositions a Marketing Opportunity as 'Remarket'. This option completes the existing Marketing Opportunity and creates a new one outside of the Campaign.
17) Marketing Opportunity 'Type' is Editable - when checked, Telemarketers can change the Marketing Opportunity 'Type' when selecting the disposition of 'Remarket'. The majority of companies opt to not let their Telemarketers have control over the Marketing Opportunity Type and Type Detail as those fields can be used as criteria in other Campaigns.
18) Marketing Opp. 'Type Detail' - the default Type Detail of the Marketing Opportunity created when a Telemarketer dispositions a Marketing Opportunity as 'Remarket'.
19) Marketing Opportunity 'Type Detail' is Editable - when checked, Telemarketers can change the Marketing Opportunity 'Type Detail' when selecting the disposition of 'Remarket'. The majority of companies opt to not let their Telemarketers have control over the Marketing Opportunity Type and Type Detail as those fields can be used as criteria in other Campaigns.
20) Marketing Opportunity Delay (days) - the default number of days a Marketing Opportunity created from the Call Queue will wait before becoming due.
21) Marketing Opp. 'Due Date' is Editable - check this box to allow your Telemarketers to change the Due Date of a Marketing Opportunity when created from the Call Queue when selecting the disposition of 'Remarket'.
22) Default Source for new Appointments - select the Source that will be used in the Lead Source created for new Appointments set in the Call Queue. Leave this option blank if you would like the new Appointment to maintain the original Source.
23) Source is Editable - when checked, your Telemarketer would be able to change the Source used for the Lead Source created for new Appointments set from the Call Queue.
24) Taker is current User - check this box to make the Telemarketer the 'Taker' of the new Lead Source created for new Appointment set from the Call Queue.
25) Suppress Prompt - New Task - when checked, Telemarketers will not have to fill in any extra information when selecting the disposition of 'Remarket'. The system will use the defaults set in the 'Default Marketing Opportunity Settings' section.
26) Suppress Prompt - No Answer - when checked, Telemarketers will not have to fill in any extra information when selecting the disposition of 'No Answer'. The system will use the defaults set in the 'Re-Call Duration - No Answer' section.
27) Suppress Prompt - Wrong Number - when checked, Telemarketers will not have to fill in any extra information when selecting the disposition of 'Wrong Number'. The system will use the defaults set in the 'Re-Call Duration - Wrong Number' section.
28) Suppress Prompt - Left Message - when checked, Telemarketers will not have to fill in any extra information when selecting the disposition of 'Left Message'. The system will use the defaults set in the 'Re-Call Duration - Left Message' section.
29) Suppress Prompt - TCPA - when checked, Telemarketers will not have to fill in any extra information when selecting the disposition of 'TCPA'. The system will use the defaults set in the 'Re-Call Duration - TCPA' section.
30) Suppress Prompt - Busy Signal - when checked, Telemarketers will not have to fill in any extra information when selecting the disposition of 'Busy Signal'. The system will use the defaults set in the 'Re-Call Duration - Busy Signal' section.
31) Auto-Release Call Limit - the maximum number of attempts you would like your Telemarketers to make on a single Marketing Opportunity before it is released from the Campaign. We all know that some Prospects simply do not pick up the phone and in that case you do not want your Telemarketers wasting time calling the same Prospect over and over again. The Auto-Release Call Limit, Age Limit and Action are specifically designed to ensure your campaigns do not get flooded with people that will never answer. Leave this field blank if you do not want your Marketing Opportunities released from the Campaign.
32) Auto-Release Age Limit - the maximum number of days you would like a Marketing Opportunity to spend in this Campaign before it is released. Leave this field blank if you do not want your Marketing Opportunities released from the Campaign.
34) Auto-Release Action - the action you would like the Campaign to take when the Call Limit of Age Limit is reached for a Marketing Opportunity in the Campaign. Select from:
- Release Only - select this action if you would like the Marketing Opportunity to be released from the Campaign as it is. Note that id the Marketing Opportunity still meets the criteria of the Campaign, it will be pulled back in.
Release and create new Marketing Opportunity - select this action if you would like the Marketing Opportunity in the Campaign to be completed and a new Marketing Opportunity to be created outside of the Campaign. The new Marketing Opportunity created will be set to the defaults you outlined in the Default Marketing Opportunity settings.
35) Max Days Out to Schedule - this number controls the maximum number of days your Telemarketers will be allowed to schedule Appointments out for. For example, if this number was set to 5, your Telemarketers would only be able to schedule Appointments out for 5 days in the future.
36) Show Time Block Scheduling Only - check this box if you only want your Telemarketers to schedule Appointments only for Time Blocks and not have the ability to select a specific Rep, or a specific Time. When this feature is enabled the Scheduling screen will look like this:
37) Filters - Campaign filters control which Marketing Opportunities are pulled into a Campaign. Campaign filters are the most important aspect to master within your Campaigns to ensure every Marketing Opportunity is pulled into the Campaign you expect.
38) Call Queue Order - this filter controls the order in which Marketing Opportunities appear in the Call Queue. The most common filter used [seen above] is 'Marketing Opportunity - Due Date - Ascending' meaning the Marketing Opportunities will the oldest due date will appear in the Call Queue first.
39) Preview - at the bottom of every Campaign edit page, the Preview section allows you to refresh a list of Marketing Opportunities that qualify for this Campaign. This tool should be used to double-check your Campaign filters. Click the 'Refresh' button and a list of Marketing Opportunities will appear that meet the criteria set above. Notice that a column is created in the Preview for each filter allowing you to ensure your filters are set correctly.
Note: this Preview will show you all of the Marketing Opportunities that meet the filter criteria of your Campaign. The number of Marketing Opportunities that are pulled into the Campaign may differ from this number as Marketing Opportunities may be pulled into another Campaign.