This article provides the most common Campaign use cases and their specific filters so you can recreate in your own organization's Campaigns Tab. Also reference the Campaigns Structure Diagram and the Common Campaign Settings spreadsheet.
- Fresh Leads 0 - 7 Days
- Rehash Campaign
- Reset Campaign
- Past Customer Campaign
- Specific Campaigns
Fresh Leads 0 - 7 Days
These filters are designed to pull in any Marketing Opportunity that is due where the Prospect has been entered into the system in the last 7 days that has not yet had an Appointment. This Campaign is commonly used to contact the newest Prospects or 'Fresh Leads' in your system.
Let's break down each filter in this campaign:
- Lead Source Taken On Date On or before 0 days in the past - this filter references the 'Taken On' date of the Prospect's Lead Source. This date reflects the date the information was taken by your company. This filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities that have an associated Lead Source 'Taken On' today or prior are pulled into the Campaign.
Lead Source Taken On Date On or after 7 days in the past - this filter references the 'Taken On' date of the Prospect's Lead Source. This date reflects the date the information was taken by your company. This filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities that have an associated Lead Source 'Taken On' 7 days ago or after are pulled into the Campaign. This filter in conjunction with the filter above creates a time 'bucket' of Prospect's taken in the last 7 days.
- Marketing Opportunity Due Date On or before 0 days in the past - this filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities that are due today or prior are pulled into the Campaign.
- Marketing Opportunity Type Equal to Set Appointment - this filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities with the 'Type' of 'Set Appointment' are only pulled into the Campaign. Marketing Opportunities can also have the 'Type' of 'Rehash Appointment' or 'Follow-up Appointment'. These 'Types' are used to distinguish the action needed on the Marketing Opportunity.
Lead Source, Source Type Not Equal To Exiting Database - this filter ensure that Marketing Opportunities which were created as the result of the Finalized Sale will not be pulled into our Fresh Leads Campaigns.
Please note that the above filter criteria is an example of commonly used filter criteria and may be augmented to fit your specific business requirements.
Rehash Campaign
These filters are designed to pull in any Marketing Opportunity that is due with the 'Type' of 'Rehash Appointment' as a result on an Appointment that was resulted as 'Demoed Not Sold'. This Campaign is used to contact Prospects that have sat for an Appointment but did not sell.
Let's break down each filter in this campaign:
Marketing Opportunity Due Date On or before 0 days in the past - this filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities that are due today or prior are pulled into the Campaign.
Previous Appointment Result Equal to Demoed, Not Sold - this filter ensures that the Marketing Opportunities pulled into the Campaign were created from an Appointment resulted as 'Demoed, Not Sold'.
Previous Appointment Date On or after 30 days in the past - this filter ensures that the Marketing Opportunities pulled into this Campaign were created from Appointments that were ran in the last 30 days.
Marketing Opportunity Type Equal to Rehash Appointment - this filter ensures that the Marketing Opportunities pulled into this Campaign have the 'Type' of 'Rehash Appointment'. By default, all Marketing Opportunities created from an Appointment resulted as 'Demoed, Not Sold' have a 'Type' of 'Rehash Appointment'.
Please note that the above filter criteria is an example of commonly used filter criteria and may be augmented to fit your specific business requirements.
Reset Campaign
These filters are designed to pull in all Marketing Opportunities that are due as a result of an Appointment resulted as 'Canceled' in the last 30 days.
Let's break down each filter in this campaign:
Marketing Opportunity Due Date On or before 0 days in the past - this filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities that are due today or prior are pulled into the Campaign.
Previous Appointment Result Equal to Canceled - this filter ensures that the Marketing Opportunities pulled into the Campaign were created from an Appointment resulted as 'Canceled'.
Previous Appointment Date On or after 30 days in the past - this filter ensures that the Marketing Opportunities pulled into this Campaign were created from Appointments that were ran in the last 30 days.
Please note that the above filter criteria is an example of commonly used filter criteria and may be augmented to fit your specific business requirements.
Past Customer Campaign
These filters are designed to pull in all Marketing Opportunities that are due as a result of a previous Sale.
Let's break down each filter in this campaign:
Marketing Opportunity Due Date On or before 0 days in the past - this filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities that are due today or prior are pulled into the Campaign.
Lead Source Source Name Equal to Existing Database - this filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities pulled into the Campaign have a Lead Source 'Source Name' of 'Existing Database'. By default when a Sale is marked as 'Final' in improveit 360, a new Lead Source is created with the 'Source Name' of 'Existing Database' along with a due Marketing Opportunity .
Prospect Status Equal to Customer - this filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities pulled into the Campaign are associated with a Prospect with the 'Prospect Status' of 'Customer'. By default when a Prospect has a Sale created in improveit 360, the 'Prospect Status' is automatically changed to 'Customer'.
Please note that the above filter criteria is an example of commonly used filter criteria and may be augmented to fit your specific business requirements.
Specific Campaigns
'Specific Campaigns' refer to Campaigns setup specifically to pull in Marketing Opportunities associated with very specific Prospects such as Prospects that are tagged with a specific 'Source Name' or in a specific Zip Code. In this example, let's create a 'Fresh Leads' Campaign and add specific criteria to only pull in Prospects with a Lead Source of 'Company Website'.
Please be aware. If you create a campaign that shares criteria with another campaign, you must add criteria to the existing campaign to ensure the Marketing Opportunities you want are not pulled into the wrong Campaign. In this example, since we are 'cloning' the criteria of the 'Fresh Leads' campaign (outlined above) we will need to ADD criteria to the existing 'Fresh Leads' campaign to mutually exclude the Marketing Opportunities we are including in this new Campaign.
Let's break down each filter in this campaign:
Marketing Opportunity Due Date On or before 0 days in the past - this filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities that are due today or prior are pulled into the Campaign.
Lead Source Taken On On or before 0 days in the past - this filter references the 'Taken On' date of the Prospect's Lead Source. This date reflects the date the information was taken by your company. This filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities that have an associated Lead Source 'Taken On' today or prior are pulled into the Campaign.
Lead Source Taken On On or after 7 days in the past - this filter references the 'Taken On' date of the Prospect's Lead Source. This date reflects the date the information was taken by your company. This filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities that have an associated Lead Source 'Taken On' 7 days ago or after are pulled into the Campaign. This filter in conjunction with the filter above creates a time 'bucket' of Prospect's taken in the last 7 days.
Marketing Opportunity Type Equal to Set Appointment - this filter ensures that Marketing Opportunities with the 'Type' of 'Set Appointment' are only pulled into the Campaign. Marketing Opportunities can also have the 'Type' of 'Rehash Appointment' or 'Follow-up Appointment'. These 'Types' are used to distinguish the action needed on the Marketing Opportunity.
Prospect Status Equal to Target - this filter ensure that Marketing Opportunities with Prospects that have the 'Prospect Status' of 'Target' are pulled into the Campaign. The 'Prospect Status' of 'Target' indicates that the Prospect has never been set for an Appointment in improveit 360.
Lead Source Source name Equal to Company Website - this filter ensure that only Marketing Opportunities associated with a Lead Source with the Source Name of 'Company Website' are pulled into the Campaign.
Now that this Campaign has been built, you must go into your existing 'Fresh Leads' Campaign and add a line of criteria to exclude Marketing Opportunities associated with a Lead Source with the Source Name of 'Company Website'. If this is not done, some of the Marketing Opportunities associated with a Lead Source with the Source Name of 'Company Website' will be pulled into your existing 'Fresh Leads' Campaign and not the new campaign.
Locate the existing 'Fresh Leads' Campaign or ANY Campaign that has matching criteria, click 'Edit' and add the following criteria:
Adding the Lead Source Source Name Not equal to Company Website filter to the existing 'Fresh Leads' Campaign will ensure that your two new 'Fresh Leads' Campaigns will:
- Fresh Leads - exclude all Marketing Opportunities associated with a Lead Source with the Source Name of 'Company Website'
- Fresh Leads - Company Website Specific - include all Marketing Opportunities associated with a Lead Source with the Source Name of 'Company Website'.
Be sure to review the Common Campaign Settings spreadsheet for additional Campaign settings
See also: Guide to Adding Campaigns to an Existing Campaign Structure