Before creating Campaigns, it is a best practice to review and set the Campaign Defaults. Campaign Defaults govern many actions and defaults for all of your Campaigns.
NOTE: These settings can only be changed by a system admin.
NOTE: If these settings are changed, the changes will NOT effect any currently active campaigns, only net new campaigns that are created. If you have a current campaign you want to update, you will need to retire the original campaign and re-create it as a new campaign. Do not 'Clone' the existing campaign - the changes will not be reflected.
How to Access Campaign Defaults
Logged in as the Admin User, click on your name in the upper right hand corner and click 'Setup'.
Scroll down to the 'App Setup' section, click 'Develop' and 'Custom Settings'.
Click on 'New Campaign Defaults'.
Click 'Manage'.
Click 'Edit'.
Understanding the Campaign Defaults Page
Most of the Defaults in this list can be set when creating a new Campaign but a few must be setup in the 'New Campaign Defaults' page.
The most important defaults that need set are 'Default Assign To Me' and 'Default Priority' settings highlighted in the image to the left.
'Default Assign To Me' - assigning a Re-Call to a User will only allow the User assigned to access the Re-Call in the Call Queue. If the Re-Call is assigned to a User that is not working the Call Queue when the Re-Call becomes due, it will not be actioned. Most Users do not assign Re-Calls to their Telemarketers to prevent this scenario.
- Default Assign To Me - Busy Signal - check this box to automatically assign all Re-Calls resulting from the disposition of 'Busy Signal' to the User who made the disposition.
- Default Assign To Me - Left Message - check this box to automatically assign all Re-Calls resulting from the disposition of 'Left Message' to the User who made the disposition.
- Default Assign To Me - No Answer - check this box to automatically assign all Re-Calls resulting from the disposition of 'No Answer' to the User who made the disposition.
- Default Assign To Me - Return Call Later - check this box to automatically assign all Re-Calls resulting from the disposition of 'Return Call Later' to the User who made the disposition.
'Default Priority' - the priority set for each Re-Call or Uncalled Marketing Opportunity controls which Marketing Opportunity appears in the Call Queue first. The most common priority setup is depicted below with 'Uncalled' Marketing Opportunities being the highest priority of 'Urgent'.
Priorities [in order of priority] - Urgent, High, Normal, Low
Default Priority - Busy Signal - High
Default Priority - Left Message - Normal
Default Priority - No Answer - Low
Default Priority - Return Call Later - High
Default Priority - Uncalled - Urgent
The Priority settings above will ensure that 'Uncalled' Marketing Opportunities will be the first Marketing Opportunities that appear in the Call Queue followed by 'Return Call Later' and 'Busy Signal' Re-Calls, 'Left Message' Re-Calls' and finally 'No Answer' Re-Calls in the order that their Marketing Opportunities become due.